
Maya Rudolph and Beyonce's love child

Some women have two vaginas and can have sex in both. I wonder if he's ever met one.

Alyssa Milano just got thousands of ppl to google Nikki Cox and gasp over how different she looks. And now thousands of ppl on the internet are discussing Cox's appearance and how they would not bang her. <sarcasm>Nice</sarcasm>

I don't know. On one hand, it sure sounds like it, on the other hand, doesn't that make her as bad or worse than him? That part of Milano's tweet really bothers me.

Nikki Cox. She used to be RIDICULOUSLY hot but she's had a lot of plastic surgery, so be prepared for that if you image-google her

I would bet that Shia is the next former Disney star to check in to rehab, but I doubt I would find anyone to take that bet.

That fits so nicely with all the things I believe about the Romneys.

I know he's problematic, but most egyptologists agree that the ppl who built the pyramids were not slaves. So not only is the "but the pyramids!"-argument stupid because the situations are completely different, it is also based on the false premise that the pyramids were built by slaves at all. It's ignorance and

That's stupid and most likely incorrect. The ppl who built the pyramids seem to have been paid workers who lived at the site, but were free to leave and weren't anyone's property. It was hard work and probably didn't pay well and they probably didn't have many other options but they were not slaves.

They should give the drugs to the awful contestants, make them listen to themselves and film them. Humiliation-TV at its finest.

What do you do if you have children? I assume quite a few transplant patients have kids. Kindergarteners carry more diseases than raw sewage. Their noses are always runny because they always have at least half a dozen colds going on and they get icky bacterial infections all the freaking time. About half the times

Because they are more expensive to produce than the average book. The author/s is/are paid about the same as any author (usually royalties based on how many copies are sold), but you need an army of highly qualified experts to fact check every little detail, and they want to be paid too. Every image is expensive, you

Is it just for partners, as in a "romantic" relationship? Or could it be used to prosecute parents too? I get that parenting involves quite a lot of control, and children are largely independent, but some parents are just plain evil and cause serious harm, even if they never lay a finger on the child. Psychological

Re: scottish insults. The Public Domain Review just posted this on their facebook: A Dictionary of Victorian Slang (1909) Not just insults, not just scottish, and all together fantastic. It contains lovely expressions like "Dash my wig" (like "damn") and "upon my sivvy" (an oath) or "Cat o' Mountain! (a shrew) or

If someone sent me a dick pic, my reaction would be "HOLY fucking hell!!!!!!!!!!!!" and probably drop the phone. If someone was with me, they would probably ask what made me react like that, and then I would show them. Also, some couples talk about everything, both the mundane and the shocking. "You're not going to

They don't film scenes in the same order as they appear in the movie. Also, if they are making two movies, they probably shot them both at once.

In movies, tv-shows etc. ppl always react the same way to the same emotions and we have become conditioned to think that that's how you express emotion, and if you don't for instance cry when you're supposed to be regretful, then you are not regretful at all. In reality, when ppl are unscripted and unedited, we behave

I'm sure there are plenty of studies like that, but you get more clicks with "science is evil and wants to ruin everyone's fun"-stories

Which one is Bruce Jenner?

'Genii' is the latin plural, 'geniuses' in english. Dealer's choice