
Jenny McCarthy is failing at her new high-paying job, so they are going to give her a huge pile of money to go away. Yeah, life is fair.

Wait, that sort of sounds like you do your own pap smears. Besides, you can't see if a pap smears will show any abnormalities just by looking at the cervix, I asked at my last one if you could when the nurse said everything looked fine. She said no you can't and then the pap came back with abnormal cells... I have a

Why should we all know what a healthy cervix looks like? That's what doctors are for. And we SHOULD depend on a third party to always be the one to look at our cervixes, someone with a long education and years of practise and access to a lab. It's not like you can self-diagnose any of the afflictions that can affect

Why not an entire series? Delightful duodenums, pretty patellas, fascinating fibulas, lavish livers, tantalising tendons, splendid spleens, terrific tonsils and pulchritudinous pancreases

This is why I don't like doulas. I can't stand the "promote healing through cervix-inspired art"-stuff. A cervix is not beautiful, it is just a part of your body. I will not celebrate it any more than I celebrate any other random body part.

Isn't the big hair just another way to make her look smaller? Bury her in a shapeless coat, tease her hair, make everything around her look big, so that she looks small.

Doctors can check which type of HPV you have. You said yourself that you have one of the cancer-causing ones. In the original post, you could have said "those of us with and with partners who have one of the cancer-causing types the virus" because when you just say "I have HPV, I'm worry I'll get cancer" you

The boss's comment sounded like something you're taught at management courses, instead of saying "hey, your attitude is scaring away customers, leave the personal crap at home. Being a boss sucks, because you have to find ways to tell ppl things that might offend them. Friends who are bosses have had to tell their

Except for the boss's comment, none of these are that bad. Unless you hand ppl a script to read from, they have no idea what you want to hear, or don't want to hear. Something that will comfort one person can piss of another, because their situations are different. I'm sure you heard a lot of things that you didn't

Because scare tactics doesn't help either. I'm sorry that you have one of the strands that can cause cancer, but most ppl think that HPV is one virus and that you are pretty much guaranteed to get cancer if you have it. It's equally irresponsible to not make it abundantly clear that the majority of the 100+ types of

It's appalling how little science there is on Jezebel. Even when they do attempt to report on scientific findings, it's full of weasel words and/or dumbed down to the point where it's flat out wrong or key facts are missing. I think they think science is scary and also you have to be a professor to understand it, so

You can get tongue cancer from HPV too. Given that he was an admitted sex addict before he married CZJ and it takes years, sometimes decades for cancer to develop, there is no possible way to say who he would have to travel back in time for and NOT sleep with to not have cancer today.

Baking soda + vinegar only produces a fun reaction. If you want to clean pans, especially if you want to remove burnt grease, you just use a base. Like baking soda, but that is a very weak base. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is better (there are even stronger bases, but you can't buy those in the supermarket) Sodium

Why are you assuming he was "pressured" to lie about the type of cancer he had? The treatment for tongue cancer is often disfiguring surgery, maybe he didn't want idiots to be all "oh noes, you're good looking, and now you're facing possible disfigurement, what a tragedy!" Maybe he asked the doc what he could say to

Did he actually say her name though? Because he admitted that he was a sex addict before he married her, and cancer caused by HPV takes years, even decades to develop

That couldn't be more wrong. Cancer is an umbrella term for about 200 different diseases with a few key features in common, however, there are huge differences between different cancers. Some cancers are extremely treatable, some are extremely deadly, and everything in between. Treatments and prognosis vary greatly,

HPV isn't ONE virus, there are over a hundred types of human papilloma viruses. Only a handful of them cause cancer. Even if you do have a strand that is known to cause cancer, it only means that you have an increased risk, not that you will get cancer

There are several types of tongue cancer, some are caused by HPV. But it can take decades for and HPV infection to cause cancer, so if he had a cancer caused by HPV, it's likely he contracted it from someone else, long before they even met. Also, an HPV infection only rarely leads to cancer. There are hundreds of

Who sings about what is secondary to the song's beat. If it's not exactly tuned to my running pace, I can not run to it. I have a friend who works at a gym, and they have a huge library of songs sorted according to bpm. He's promised me to let me in to "borrow" some music, but so far have not made good on his promise.

The floral sheets?