
I wish I lived >30 years ago, only because it was ok to smoke then and we didn't really know how bad it is. I quit years ago and I miss it SO MUCH!!! Even just reading about someone else having one cigarette makes sad that it would be the dumbest thing I've ever done to pick up smoking again...

I don't get it either, I think it makes women's feet look like naked Barbie feet or mannequin feet. Especially in the accompanying photo where the ankle is overextended in a ~200° angle. I can at most get my ankles in maybe 160°, so I guess I can't wear Loboutin's shoes. The depths of my heartbreak knows no bounds

hate on people who do better on meds

Which colourblind is he? Red-green is quite common, about 2% of all males have it. Blue-yellow is very rare, I don't have any stats but it's rare. Having both would be super-duper extra-rare

You're assuming that he hung himself from the ceiling, but the most common way to do it, both for suicides and auto-erotic asphyxiation, is from a door handle or something at a similar height. You tie the noose from a crouching position, then you stretch out your legs straight to choke yourself.

Doubt it. It usually presents on the underside of the penis along the midline. "At the side" makes it sound as if he made it up based on stories he heard about the condition.

Well, as an embryo, well all start off looking like females. Then the male hormones kick in for boys, the female genitals sort of fold or roll up, and form the penis. If the rolling fails, the exit of the urethra ends up elsewhere. Which explains why it's typically located on the underside, along the midline. That's

Actually, it's a real thing and quite common. Or at least not uncommon. It's called "hypospadias", and there are different degrees of severity, but basically the exit hole of the urethra is located elsewhere than at the top of the penis. It's usually on the underside of the penis though, along the midline. On the side

Troy McClure wasn't gay, he was sleeping with the fishes. Notice there are no citation marks. Because it's not an expression, it's a fact

I've only dated a gut who lied about having broken up with his baby momma, but that's kind of pedestrian. But a guy friend of mine dated a guy who said he was NOT selling sex to older men. That was a lie.

Also, did he have sex with her before she had the children?


It's been done. I'm not going to insert the image, here is a link: multimedia/ dynamic/00779/odd3_779590c.jpg It's a painting by Norwegian artist Odd Nerdrum of his wife (I think) taking a crap

It depends on the type of cancer you have. It is very important to realise that cancer is not just one disease. It's in fact an umbrella term for about 200 diseases. There are several types of cancer that can occur in and around the breasts. Also, it's important to realise that only about 5% of all breast cancers are

She lacks credibility

Oh come on! How many times have ppl who actually work with victims of actual crimes told the rest of us that real stories change!? It's only in movies that ppl tell the same story over and over again without any changes. Because they are made up! When you read from a script, the story doesn't change. That's how you

A commentator in the greys points out that she has never really spoken out about what happened between her and Sean Penn. Doesn't mean it didn't happen. She's very controlled, she want's to decide what ppl know and don't know about her, and she wants to be perceived as strong and in control. I don't find it at all

We used to do this in the stable where I hung out as a kid. When the horses had stomach problems (and horses often have that), we'd take poop from this one old pony that NEVER had problems, and mix it in with the horses' food. It was the stable owner who told us to do that, I don't know who taught her that trick.

This way you can say "eat shit and don't die"