
To your first point, that could be a possible confounding factor, but the NHTSA found that the VMT (vehicle miles of travel) is actually higher for trucks, SUVs, and vans than it is for cars. If anything that would mean their fatality rate should be amplified. Page 26 if you care to see for yourself:

Sorry, your anecdotal source isn’t consistent with the IIHS’s own study

One of the truly Oscar-worthy 2 minute performances in the history of cinema. 

“ Of course, it’s company policy never to imply ownership in the event of a dildo. We have to use the indefinite article, ‘a dildo’, never ... your dildo.”

This is also true, it’s been very quiet on the sway bar issue.......(puts on sunglasses)....almost too quiet. 

Fucking A, reading this entire article and then reading this comment just reminds me how manipulative and insanely out of touch with reality leftists are.

Phillips wasn’t neutral. He was only chanting in one direction. Also:

“...despite video evidence that he walked into the space separating the students and Black Israelites and stood there before that students formed a semicircle around him. “

I love the look of this thing. It’s like something the villain in a 1930s serial would have driven.

A culture loaded with warnings from all sorts of dystopian media and a populace that fails to see any red flags at all.

you mean kinda like how the phantom has a massive B pillar too?

I just wanted to point out that GM has a woman driving alone in a powerful car in their press photo. That’s rather uncommon and cool.

And the nightmare begins anew.

Maybe they don’t care to keep up with the ever-changing ideals du jour? To be progressive means to be getting closer to a goal. If we are on the wrong path then the most progressive man is the man who turns back first. Perhaps it is society that is backwards.

Tom, this is an interesting perspective. I’ve heard people say something along the lines of “I don’t need to buy a car, but they need to sell me one.” Nope. They need to sell someone a car, doesn’t have to be you.

Do you have anything to declare?

But those are Canadian Months, that’s only 72 months American.

To be fair, the 2nd gens were fucking ugly as well. The only good looking Camaros are the first gen, although the F body isn’t heinous,just regular ugly.

I work in the steel industry, I buy hundreds of tons a year.

You’re incorrect in practice. The higher prices have allowed shuttered mills to come back on line and compete in an already tight steel market. The Loraine plant is coming back online and there’s a plant in Louisiana (not my product segment so I don’t know