
Now that SLC is getting the Winter Olympics again it’s nice to see them planning major public infrastructure expansions. It’s still a weak bus/trains system, with many parts of the area flat out ignored for public transportation, but it’s better than a 26 lane highway.

Filed to: moobs

Tinted headlight and taillight covers. Yeah, I want it harder to see and be seen at night.

I struggle with this. Because the answer should be “most of them.” However, it seems like the majority of the ones that actually get enforced are for mods that are more common with minorities.

Rolling Coal. This is just ignorant. Nobody wants to breathe in a cloud of diesel smoke.

Is this Yahoo Autos?

Good call on the flame suit, never occured to me anybody would think those are good looking.

If you can afford high end cars, you can afford mental health care.

Its only hard if you worry about not killing people.

But as a parent of a minor, she is legally responsible for him. She knew he liked to speed (double highway speeds). She knew speeding could lead to an accident, or even death. She gave him access to the weapon he used to kill someone.

So, is your concern that kids are tried as adults or that parents can be found culpable for their kid’s actions?

“I need a big vehicle to take my kids to soccer practice. Who cares if I can’t see anyone else’s kids in the parking lot.”

Is the hood still so high that it provides zero visibility of anything within 20 feet of the front? It is still so high that it will absolutely obliterate any animal, person, or vehicle it happens to run into?  Cool, cool.

The All-Terrain trim seems like the way to go if you’re going to need to park on some grass at the soccer field after driving through Starbucks, but before going to the mall. 

Perhaps a discussion with Steve Lehto would be in order. 

its only illegal if you can prove collusion. A market with few players does not need structured collusion of a bonafide cartel.

Yeah this would be very interesting to unpack further. It sounds like the comparison was done by basically removing comprehensive coverage from the quotes. That still leaves A LOT of variables not being controlled for. Type of vehicle, driving history, paying by month or upfront (I saved 10% paying the full premium up

image a world where we can navigate a slide show without each image being pushed down by a banner ad with every click

Totally not a denial.