
On the bright side, you still have a really fun car!

Fuck... that’s sexy. 

Hmm. I think I know the answer... 

It’s like a mini ferrari FF in the best ways 


Shut up and take my money.

Zoom Zoom

But all you’d get out of a Corvette C8 wagon would be a taller engine cover.

Clio V6

He's the world's worst hype man... and he's hyping himself at that.

“Here I am, we’re leading, we’re leading in the polls, we’re leading by a lot. We’re leading by a lot. They said, ‘Oh, we don’t have to worry about him.’ Oh no, they have to worry about me. Boy they don’t like me. You know they used to like Obama. They used to like, they like Biden, you know why? They got away with

Does *anyone* offroad with these vehicles, or is it just to make them look cool to people who take them grocery shopping?

“Are they giving us the finger because we’re cops or because we’re in a Cybertruck?”

Feels fundamentally unfair that in a team sport, one team has twice as many members.

Is it ethical to have the team from Faenza, Italy acting in a manner beholden to the team from Milton Keynes?

I'm tired of that old guy.

If I ever get around to writing a history of GM, it would probably be entitled “....and then GM fucked it up.”

GM is the undisputed champion of ruining their own good ideas. The kings of the ‘concept of a plan.’

And then at the end of that, your new boss is the eccentric goofball that was Sergio Marchionne. God love him, but working for that guy had to be an adventure.