
I read the whole article and there is not one mention of how a current Porsche Boxster has a CD player. Like you are going to make a whole article about the Subaru and not mention that a brand new Porsche has a CD Player!  How am I going to play Spin Doctors in this new EV you keep rambling about?

In a way it’s kinda satisfying to see boomers being forced to live in the world they made- they’re the generation that worshiped cars and saw cars as freedom, and they legislated a world where that is reality. Boomers cut spending on public transit, cut spending on infrastructure, cut spending on schools (which leads

Hang the fuck on. When the hell did 3600+ pounds become “relatively light-weight”? My 2004 GTO, considered a pig, was 3750lbs. My 2011 335i xDrive boring ass sedan probably weighs about the same as the convertible. I must’ve zoned out on the weight of modern sports cars over the last few year but all this does is

Dipshit is diverting Tesla assets towards other ventures tangentially related to the core business. His obsession with AI is costing Tesla billions as he makes Nvidia purchases on Tesla’s balance sheet and sends the cards over to “Dojo” (his SuperComputer).

I like the way you ended that story


We just are so much better than this.

or just don’t live in an HOA hellhole. 

I don’t know who is dumber. The HOA board who came up with this rule, or the residents who have choose to pay $500 a year to park their trucks half a mile away.”

I don’t know who is dumber. The HOA board who came up with this rule, or the residents who have to pay $500 a year to park their trucks half a mile away.

I’m over it.

Lowering a flag is not an act of violence. It this case, it may be an unlawful act, but that’s not the same thing at all.

If I thought he meant car owners... then he’d still be a reprehensible scumbag that nobody in their right mind ought to vote for, but at least it’d be a policy for the ordinary American. However, he’s going to be subsidizing dealers and manufacturers, to inflate corporate profits while costs will be passed on to

If that’s the best they can do then what they can do isn’t very good.

Speed is irrelevant when you can buy a Kia that’ll do 0-60 in 3.5 seconds. Quick is pretty meaningless these days.

Jaguar had a good run. I will miss them when they are gone.

Now playing

Probably the M5 commercials with Madonna and Clive Owen, directed by Guy Ritchie.

First they came for the wagons... then they came for the coupes....

Insane tax policies and government subsidizing of the oil industry has lead us to these truck absurdities.
