
Do you get mad at art museums too?

You’re missing the point. Speed is far more reckless, and the data shows, when it is uncontrolled (drunks) or not protected at impact (unbelted). Those 2 categories contain 50% all all deaths. And yet only 10% are unbelted and no where close to 50% are drunk, so those 2 categories are around 10X more dangerous.  

Don’t forget about changing airbag design to be best for belted occupants. Right now, they have to work for both belted and unbelted occupants, which means they work less well for belted ones.

probably the same size as the soul, but this looks better imho

If you’re going more than 15 over in a school zone or residential area it should just set the airbags off.

...yet governments can’t mandate automatic headlights AND TAIL LIGHTS that turn on when it gets dark.

I don’t see this as new. It’s GM’s 50+ year old way of doing things:

We can’t add more comprehensive driver education or enforcement via hard limiters or ticketing, that’s completely counter to American values of individual freedom at the expense of societal safety, so we have to resort to nagging. My GPS already turns the little MPH indicator sign on the screen red when I’m speeding,

9119lbs? Holy what the fuck.

What a waste of resources.  That 205 kWh battery could be used to make three 5-passenger family cars, with almost 300 miles of range a piece, in a more aerodynamic and lighter body. 

My god I HATE welfare farming. The farm subsidies unconscionable. Paying people to not farm or giving away money for relatives of corn farmers is horrid. I am so mad at maga farmers that would let poor children starve as long as they get their welfare farming check from the government they hate so bad they are trying

“Beef is artificially inexpensive because farmers feed corn to cows, even though their digestive systems aren’t designed to process it.”

idk, planes keep flying over it like they already do? 

Everyone should do themselves a favour and try a Mexican-made Coke.  It’s made with cane sugar and is so much better than the American crap.  You’ll curse the corn lobby for ruining sodas.

Nah, you’re just a bigot.

The more he goes out of his way to pwn the LGBTQ community, the more I think his internet history is nothing but gay porn.

the far right has made the word “freedom” not mean freedom anymore. 

Is everyone else getting tired of these narcissistic, nationalistic, snowflake, fascists?

ah yes, those pesky cyclists and their cycle lanes. ruining the day for everyone...