
We have our safety regulations so backwards. We regulate personal safety but care little about mass safety. i.e. you can’t drive that, YOU could be killed in an accident? Versus - Of course you can tow a 40 foot trailer with your 12 foot tall truck with no prior experience because YOU will be okay if you crash.

This is very dumb. The smallest state should absolutely embrace the smallest trucks.  It’s called branding, you dummies!

Any car where the battery is in a place that isn’t easily and readily accessible.

I have to disagree, I really like the Mazda scroll wheel. Like Waydude said, you don’t have to lean forward to enter anything, it’s controlled from your natural position. My Silverado is strictly a touch interface, and I prefer the Mazda controls.

Ah there you are wrong. I also have a 21 Mazda and I love the scroll wheel no touch screen. I had a Golf R prior to it, which was a fantastic car, but I hated having to touch a screen, leaning forward while driving, just a terrible idea like just about every touch screen. The Mazda, you stay in your driving position

In most cases, there is actually a decently reasonable explanation for this. Essentially, there is not room within the dash design to have the screen mounted lower, and integrating the screen into the upper portion would required raising the height of the dash by however tall the screen is, ruining forward visibility

It went from a geometric smiley(ish) face (•\__/- ) to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Rock may have flown the Confederate flag at his shows for years, but apparently sticking one on the Cybertruck would be a bridge too far.

Also, Kid Rock grew up in a Detroit suburb and moved to DJ to be closer to B-boy culture. Let that sink in:

Rich, suburban midwestern kid moved to Detroit to be closer to Black culture and ended up proudly minstrel-showing his way to riches in front of a Confederate Battle Flag.

I think everyone should view the confederate flag as a 100% racist symbol, and people have no excuses to ignore this.”

Do yourself a favor: Stand on that. The rest of what you typed was just “some stuff” to allow space for some of the people who were in your life growing up to not be thaaaaaat racist.

We’re not closer

Belive it or not, you can appreciate cars while also disliking the fact that a car show laundered Lost Cause propaganda.

May all of the neo-Confederates like Rock be inflicted with the dysentery and privation that killed so many of their treasonous role models during the Civil War.

Might be the single worst combination of words I’ve ever seen. 

I could only imagine the chaos if a similar law was passed in the US.

Now playing

Not to say some don’t try, but you can tell by the actions of the others, some are just too cowardly to do so out of reprisals. If you recall...

yes yes it does.

Look up the term logical fallacy my dude because you just did more than a few.

The guy that was arrested was backing up the entire time while the cop was the aggressor.

When I had to drive I would just continue driving my 2001 Honda Prelude, but I would prefer most of my travel be done on rail.