
What’s crazy to me is they could have claimed that the Cybertruck can do a 13s quarter mile while towing a car and that would still be extremely impressive. But it’s on-brand for them to cherry pick numbers and misrepresent what their products can actually do.

>and also posting this comment without even the tiniest sense of irony

Well that kills the dream of Affordable EV fights. Now to continue on with ICE for at least the next decade for me. 

Because unfettered capitalism exists only to boost the bottom line of the companies we want it to. 

These kind of tariffs have historically either not worked at all, or they’ve backfired horribly. The chicken tax was a similar move against the VW T2, put in place by demand of the UAW because they knew American light trucks couldn’t compete. Flash forward several decades and now every pickup truck is enormous because

Yikes indeed. So will this kill the Volvo EX30 that was to be built in China? Or does it suddenly become more attractive to build it in North America? And you just know that this tariff move is going to generate a retaliatory move by China, and it’s probably going to harm that one U.S. company that’s making lots of

The official term for this was “DUI compartment”

Meh. No one that actually off-roads has taken the G serious since the W461. Not saying that you couldn’t, just that people don’t. They don’t flex all that well, they have pretty terrible internal volume for their exterior dimensions, the aftermarket support is low and they are way too precious repair wise.

The standard G-Wagen also has poor efficiency. Imagine that.

The City of Seaside where you can’t have your boat on your driveway. Seaside

“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.

“And everybody knows what’s going on in this country with fentanyl and child trafficking and rape. Terrible stuff.””

Ah yes, those child traffickers who famously return children to their homes safely.

Wax, more wax, and even more wax. like 3-4 layers of wax should be enough.

The Richard Petty ‘70 Plymouth Superbird:

It’s not about the fruit, it’s about having the money to throw away on disgusting displays of excess and frivolity. If those plates were only $20, they would rot before many well-heeled rich persons would even touch them. Also, so they don’t have to rub elbows with the poors.

So many ND’s with no explanation. You guys just don’t like anything custom. 05 Miatas sit around 9K and up. Put this for sale on a Miata forum and it will get snatched up like hotcakes. Stop voting with your wallet and your tastes. If you’re broke and don’t like Miatas then don’t bother voting.

It is quite normal for curve speed reduction signs to be yellow. They are not only for “the biggest, most ungainly vehicles,” they’re for everyone. This exit has multiple signs indicating speed reduction as well as bright yellow arrows showing the angle of the curve. From watching the video, it seems pretty clear that

Now playing

Here’s video of the approach with a few other speed limit signs and exit only signs (38 seconds).

I had to try to find this!! This looks like it... Amazing...