
Or you just wouldn’t have needed to downshift at all because an onramp is one of the few places you can bang gears at wide open throttle for fun. Anticipating that fun is one of the great joys of manual transmissions, and is incentive to not be in automatic modes in top gear because you stopped using the paddles two

The paranoid/entitled start a fight, but the moment they get push back, they fear for their life.

Nobody should be living in Florida, and I mean that 100% seriously. If you can, get out. That state is a cesspit and doomed in every way imaginable. 

Stand Your Ground laws legally permit citizens to defend themselves with deadly force if they fear they’re in imminent danger.

and don’t forget, the Bolt died so we could have this and the Hummer EV. 

They’ve essentially reinvented themselves as just a larger three-box sedan by this point.

Automotive safety regs are occupant-fcoused. They ignore anyone outside the car. This matters less if you are outside the car in your own car, but matters a lot if you on foot or riding a bike.

Look at the size difference for fucks sake. You get hit by the small one and you roll off. You get hit by the big one and you’re paste. I’m not tall, mind you, but most pickup trucks grills are taller than I am. And the top 2 vehicles sold? Silverados and the F-series.

Screen name checks out. 

The thing is, total deaths were declining steadily while the population grew. Until 2010 when they started to climb back up. (Numbers are slightly different than the report because this chart uses a different dataset.)

Well if people would have the common sense to not walk out in front of my limo-tinted Super Duty at a crosswalk, even though they can clearly see that I’m on the phone yelling at my wife whomst I hate while smoking and running a red light, then they really have nobody to blame but themselves.”

You really think it’s strange that pedestrian deaths are increasing in an era in which every third car on the road is a full-size truck/SUV piloted by some numpty that can’t be parted from their phone for 30 seconds? 

“Miata Is Always The Answer” (whose initials form “M I A T A”) is the correct wording.

You can send your $5 to my PayPal, thanks.

20 hours of air for 5 people is, presumable, roughly 100 hours of air for 1 person.

No, they aren’t. And it’s not a great excuse. They effed with the proportions to fix a problem that didn’t exist. If BMW customers were really complaining about it being difficult getting in and out of BMW sedans, then they deserve what they got.

The new 5 series. The iX and XM are both pretty bad, but they both have no history. So they have started out ugly and that’s their niche.

Once again, all I ask Mercedes is to allow American customers to factory order a regular, non All-Terrain model, just like Volvo did with the regular V90 wagon. We’re not asking you to stock hundreds at every dealer, just let us order and wait 6 months. The E-Class Wagon is said to be bought by Mercedes’ most wealthy

Yells racial slurs a couple kids, steals an iPad, pegs one of the kids with it, then shoots the mother through a locked door. *Tooootally* not racially motivated.

the shooter better like staying in her home forever. anyone in the neighbourhood can say “she’s a known killer and was walking towards me, I feared for my life so I had to shoot her before she shot me”.