
There’s a guy in my town with two of these; a white-on-tan coupe that he got upon release, and a gorgeous green-on-tan drop top that he picked up last year. I aspire to be like him.

This ship is named after the CEO of the company that built it.  What a douche.

‘No one uses a Wrangler for it’s stated purposes’ is just the most ridiculous thing. Sure people buy them and drive them to the mall with the air conditioner on. But I see them all the time, two door, four door, and that goofy pickup, with the roof open or off, and one or more pairs of doors missing. That’s enough for

1st gear, good for Mazda more sales is more money to continue the MX-5 and use that RWD I-6 for something more Jalopnik than a CUV. Also ships come from Korea since Hyundai is the world leader in car carrier shipbuilding

I don’t really see how the size of the vehicle has any bearing on the ability of a vehicle to get through this new test the IIHS has come up with. This is entirely down to how the seats and restraints are designed for rear occupants, and I think we can all agree back seats are an afterthought in pretty much all cars.

Before we go burning down the Internet over small cars vs. large, it’s worth noting SUVs are not fairing any better in this new test:

Building one of the best cars in the world, and keeping it almost completely isolated to a single market, for over 50 years? That’s wonderfully weird.

Jeep Wrangler.

Really don’t wanna be THAT guy, but it has to be the NA Miata. Base price of $13,800 and was basically the most fun to drive car for tens of thousands of dollars less than the other sports cars. Infinitely modifiable and easy to find, and were relatively cheap until all the TikTok car girls, YouTubers, and

Look, I get that you’re being directed to drive clicks, but can this family of sites PLEASE stop with the hyperlinks that look like they will take you to the external thing being reported and instead take you to some barely related article on a G/O site? Why is a link that says “Oh, Reddit” not a link to FUCKING

Lol okay we found the Kyle Rittenhouse burner account.

I would probably just not take my family to these types of events.

The last thing any human being needs when their town is being trashed by morons is cops randomly firing off rounds, good god. 

Now playing

Alonso represented all of us, so bored out of his mind he even had time to watch TV and comment on it while driving at over 200 mph.

Huh? You are arguing that that eliminating affordable cars from the market is helping people with lower incomes. How?

Why do Americans add cheerleaders to everything? I do not get it.

I’m sorry, in what world do you think low income people have achieved any measurable QoL improvements? I’ll wait.

Might wanna rethink who’s been reamin’ your cornhole, champion. Sorry to be the one breaking it to you, but the libs ain’t handing out buckets of cash in the ‘hood.

Millionaires and billionaires are literally the people driving up the cost of the Camry.

Back in my day we had a better class of rich person, either driving a magnificent luxury sedan or a sports car like a 911. Now we have people spending 80k on a Tahoe that drives like a fancy U-Haul and that has such poor forward viability that every child or rock within a 10-foot radius is in imminent danger.