
Here you go. You were trying to post a link to the GIS, not the image. Still fuck you, Kinja, though. Just because.



I’m not THAT much better than that, let’s  be honest.

But I want the “hoot” every day. 

Would have too much of a blank metal and it will look just like...

You telling me you don’t enjoy driving something that looks like a hotwheels car?

If you had made this comment when the previous model debuted, I’d have to agree.

Neutral: I’m looking forward to this.

Aren’t air springs like a couple hundred bucks?

But many of us are basic human decency 24/7

They also skipped Tyrion Lannister just popping up out of nowhere into Winterfell and sitting at the table council as if he was just some random dude who isn’t the brother of Cersei Lannister and ex-husband of the Lady of Winterfell

For those that didn’t see it this is exactly how it went down...

Sansa looked like a winner this episode. My only concern was that they seemed to be dressing and making her up to look as much like Season 1 Catelyn as possible, which doesn’t bode quite as well for her survival.

Is anyone else weirded out that when Sam tells Jon that he’s a Targaryen Jon doesn’t immediately freak out at the fact that he’s been fucking his aunt?

I like him.

He is the tallest one out of all of us, both in stature and in attitude.