
It is amazing that Jeep hasn’t addressed the poor race track handling of the Wrangler.

I mean this in the nicest way possible...

Well, if you’re really looking for that “driving on a mattress” experience (and you ask nicely), I might let you borrow........The Panther.

Upgrade to the T66 Turbos AND MoTec System Exhaust

Mashimoto ZX tires. And NOS.

Taunting rule #1: if you don’t have it yet, don’t flaunt it.

Wow, well done Audi/VAG.

Is the emergency manager from the time at which the water switchover occurred facing any charges?

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

If the shooter is a liberal or can be tied to the democrats (even tenuously!) in any way we will never see the end of Trump.

I love how it has a million vents/grilles - yet the most prominent are fake and have (relatively speaking) the least to do with aerodynamics.

I still can’t get over how fucking ugly this monstrosity is. Honda’s designers need to be dragged out in the street and beaten with phone books.

For reference, here is a comparison between the 4GC and the 4 coupe:

Or just never drop the roof line...

OK, let’s use a side-on view of the 5-series Gran Turismo:

BMW: We stopped making the 6 coupe but started making the 6 Crosstour, oh and by the way...

I purchased a Buick Regal from the family of a woman who had committed suicide. It wasn’t until later, when strange smells starting surfacing in the summer heat, and a strange engine knocking, that I figured out she had committed suicide IN the car by letting it run in the garage with the windows open. The car ran

Should I feel ashamed that I actually like the XLR?

Let us reminisce about all the amazing Cadillac’s that they refuse to build: