Jordaneer, The Mountaineer Man

don't you mean deadspin in place of lifehacker?

if you hate jalopnik so much, why do you keep reading it? if you sincerely hate it, why don't you leave.

I know right, especially considering I think pretty much all corvettes between the C4-C6 generations were super ugly, the C7 is a genuinely good looking car. GM did good with the new C7, it seems like a genuinely great car.


I drive a big proper 4WD SUV, so no, I do not really mourn the passing of the minvan.

Hellcat Charger Wagon

4. Ford Flex EcoBoost, always admired the long roof style, would probably be a hoot with a tune, extremely practical, may be a POS. Wife gets physically ill and objects most vociferously. Boys into it.

Doug, you are now officially and clinically insane.

you obviously didn't watch the video.

I read that 80% of millionaires are first gen millionaires, and so the opposite is also probably true.

it was probably wrecked by the previous owner after being T-boned when he didn't use his turn signals.

White and gold, definitely white and gold.

are they black and blue gummy bears, or are they white and gold?

are they black and blue gummy bears, or are they white and gold?

it is slightly less hideous than the first gen, but its like putting lipstick on a pig, underneath, its still a pig.


i've seen a panemera twice in real life, its as hideous in real life as it is on the TV.

why would I want a ninny telling me how to drive economically?, hooning a driving economically are two totally seperate things that can not cross pathes.

why would I want a ninny telling me how to drive economically?, hooning a driving economically are two totally

but what if you drove past a window that was reflective? then you would see yourself in it.

tire marks on the street say he accelerated quickly.

why would you not spend a couple hundred bucks on one of those live GPS trackers? you could then find your stupid trailer really easy.