I called on warranty prices for this thing, and I discovered that a bumper-to-bumper plan for five years or up to 125,000 total vehicle miles costs just $4,499. But since you probably won't reach 125,000 miles in five years, consider the 75,000-mile plan: it's just $2,989. The deal of the century.
I bet it was your mothers daughters girlfriends boyfriends boyfriends girlfriends dogs pet lizard's pet fly who actually did that :P
the same reason it took 10 years and billions of dollars to find osama bin laden, our government is highly useless, and cares about stupid things.
seriously? we can have people rolling coal no problem and its not illegal but we can't have non-certified ATV's that probably put out about a hundreth of the emmissions.
Crappy Chinese generators are a dime a dozen, but I am a little bummed to know I won't be able to bring a Vantage Mini-Truck home any time soon. Next time maybe try shipping an electric model?
Ever heard of PRISM? The government was TAKING information from Google and Microsoft? The government didn't collect that information, Google and Microsoft did, and were then they were forced to hand it over.
I would seriously be more concerned about google or microsoft than the government. I choose not to care because there is too much crap going on in the world to care about that, I'm aware of it, I just choose to focus my energy on other stuff rather than being paranoid about the government. The chance of them actually…
my whole point is the chance of that actually happening is almost none, I don't like it at all, I think its wrong, but they aren't ever going to use this against you.
Thank you!!! thats my point, I think its wrong, but my whole point is, that the likelyhood of the government actually using this information against you is extremely extremly close to 0
ever heard the phrase "its easy to follow the rules when you make them"? the government makes the rules, and even if they don't follow them, its hard to enforce because the government is the same institution who makes and enforces the law.
because they were elected by us, and they are politicians, who inherently are untrustworthy.
I didn't say it was right by any means for the government to spy on us, I think its very wrong that they are spying on their own citizens, I'm just saying that if you think the government is actually going to do anything with the information,, then your being paranoid, there are 330 MILLION people in the US, the…
well, with our crappy government, even if everyone cared, it's not gonna change.
are you Brt from oppositelock, as in all the headlines lately, like you can't lick your own elbow and you don't believe its actually butter?
If anyone thinks the government actually cares about what your doing in your car, then you need your head checked.
if you think for a second the government cares about what your doing, then get off your high horse, they don't give a crap about what you do, even if they are spying on you.
I know this post is kind of old, but I seriously don't see any reason why this won't work, plus I think with cars, you have to crash around 8-10 of them to fully legalize it.
I see :P and cool, have a good spring break!!!