
They’re not wrong that EWF is for grilling meats and the Isleys are for between the sheets.

Panama Jackson had a moving article recounting the riff in his family with his white mother who supports Trump. Brought up some good discussion within the comments.

“Happy Columbus Day from people who wouldn’t exist if not for the Trans Atlantic Slave trade,”

Is, “friend of Dorothy” too old fashioned?

Matt Gaetz on his own is super-creepy: those long-ass teeth, those clown shoes he wears (Google it), that Elias Brother’s Big Boy hairstyle. Dude is pretty eccentric, even for Florida. Not to mention his past issues with alcohol and the fact that HIS daddy basically put him into politics (they call him Baby Gaetz,

I think a general response to all your questions would be that Marvel purposely doesn’t detail everything in case they want to explore it more in the future (they still haven’t even mentioned wtf happened to cap after civil war and how busy he was, not even having time to shave that sweet beard off).
The one thing i

1. Military first, then probably a Stark upgrade

1. I am about 95% certain the original Falcon suit was a military-prototype in Captain America: TWS. It definitely sounds like Tony upgraded it though.

I think the “I helped save the entire universe and all I got was this lousy t-shirt” energy is what will drive the story. If everything worked out he would be kicking back on a fishing boat.

I love Sam, but dude needs a helmet when he’s flying at anything over 100 mph with rock and helicopter debris everywhere. One bop to the head and that’s it. Even the flightsuit mercenaries had helmets. Props to Anthony Mackie the actor though, for not having to take off his helmet/mask like everyone else does every 5

This is kind of the Mike Trout problem. Early on, the (mostly old, white, men) think he hasn’t “earned it” yet or that he’s going to be around a while and have lots of opportunities so they look for other people to give it to. Later on, they take his greatness for granted, don’t want to award it to the same guy every

“and then he made us pancakes..... Pancakes.”

Even in the vile, sensory- and morally-assaulting, humorless void that has been 2020-2021, “Game. Blouses.” will never not be funny.

Print this out, along with the research on her proposed salary and show it to your tweens and teens.

No one is stopping her from finding redemption elsewhere. But it is certainly not unreasonable that someone who publicly made the statements that she did not be given a position of considerable influence.

He’s a boring President, and that’s the way I like him.

It’s nice to have a leader who just does the damn job.

Thanks for speaking on the horrid ageism. The ageist dialog up in here is some ignorant bullshit. Not understanding the history of Black elders activism and sacrifices is why someone like Ice Cube thinks a white supremacist, lying son of a Klansman would ‘give’ him/us 500 million $ or why there are uninformed people

I’m for putting more respect on the man. He’s been doing work, putting in hours, and surrounding himself with people that do likewise. The after effects of Trump make us think any idiot can be president, but no idiot can be as effective as President Biden has been so far. He’s not about young fun shit like dancing, or

That man was pretty clearly there to assassinate the VP.