
How is pointing out that a person killed 8 people because he is sexist pig and not due to racism trolling? I’m utterly confused.

Oh, he COINCIDENTALLY targeted multiple workplaces with almost exclusively Asian employees?

The guy said he had a sex addiction and he wanted to eliminate the cause of his sin. But there are a LOT MORE white women than Asian women to kill if you want to eliminate women generally. He had a sexual obsession with Asian women and he killed them because he was too much of a fucking coward to just shoot himself.

Trolls gonna troll. 

They want us to ignore the fact that this guy specifically went to/targeted Asian massage parlors, as the the white guy fetishization of Asian women ain’t a thing. And Georgia has plenty of opportunities for a guy with a “sex obsession” that doesn’t involve a particular race, just like any other city.

My husband picked up some Ron Johnson in the yard today after the dog came back inside. 

I have all kinds of issues with Kasich but I give him credit for Medicare expansion. He’s a religious zealot but at least his version of God remembers to try and heal the sick.

Arrest all of these traitors to America.

For once I agree with Rick Scott, He is 100% correct. Dear Republicans and conservatives that have no issue demonizing blue states despite living off of our taxes do not accept once cent of that money. All you states that swear that Joe Biden isn’t The President refuse that filthy money. For if you accept it you by

Floridians did it in 2009 (see my other comment for this article). You should not underestimate the nihilistic malice of Florida Republicans, the scum of the earth. They are the people that old joke was talking about:

I’ve seen this show before except it was a version in my own state. When John Kasich got elected Governor of Ohio, one of the first things he did was reject funding to repair and expand rail service and he did it only because it came from Barack Obama.

Fingers and toes...and testicles are crossed.

Michael Cohen met with the Manhattan District Attorney’s office (Cyrus Vance) yesterday for the SEVENTH time and it is expected there will at least be an eighth interview as part of the criminal investigation into tRump’s finances. I know it will be a while before this all is finished but I think Vance is doing a

I have a male “I know everything about everything” coworker who swears they can’t get 12 people in GA to convict Trump, or prove that he didn’t really believe he had won, and that he wasn’t trying to commit a crime. He’s not a Trumper, just a mansplaining asshole.

no it’ll bleed his cultists dry because I assume this is the reason why he has been recently telling Republicans not to donate to the RNC, send their donations directly to him. I’m still OK with bleeding his cultists dry however, to use one of their favorite turns of phrase about people of color, “nature” was

he’d never pay them. seriously, he has enough poor people to sucker in the south that he’d never, ever have to pay a dime.

Articles like this remind me what a blessed state we are in to not be assaulted by his face, voice, and tweets, daily. I’m enjoying the reprieve, mightily.

White folk will always say we claim racism where there isn’t racism. In this particular incident, we don’t really know (although strongly suspect) that this assumably white woman had some racial bias that drove her to inexplicably command a 5-year old to put his hands in the toilet filled with his own shit. What we do

Said it elsewhere, but I feel like “that is not who I am” needs to be preceded or followed by “that is who I was.”

Was that the first mic drop in pop culture??  Too lazy to search, but Imma say definitely, yes.