
We need an epic duel between Kunta Kinte and King Jaffe in Wakanda in front of waterfalls and shit.

I just rewatched Coming to America a couple of weeks ago and noticed the look. Then I remembered they were married in Roots...

Rich white guy making millions off the unpaid labor of (mostly) black men? Establishment folks aren’t upset he used the word “plantation,” they’re mad that he said the quiet part out loud.

Don’t forget about Donald Trump...the Grand Poobah of the Mediocre White Mens Association.

Josh Hawley. Matt Gaetz. Ted Cruz. Ron Johnson. John Neely Kennedy. Steve King. Marjorie Taylor-Green.

And here I thought these idiots worshipped on the altar of free markets unhindered by government regulation. If people don’t like the garbage you’re putting out they will not buy it. 

Cancel culture means that when you act like an asshole people who don’t like assholes will stop wanting to be around you.

Not an accident. “Cancel culture,” if I may translate, is GOP for “I really don’t want to talk about how the GOP is just all treason now.”

On the other hand, the First Amendment really didn’t matter when they had that House Un-American Activities Committee. The one where the government “canceled” people for political speech about communism or socialism. There was also an additional group in the Senate that did basically the same thing. Politicians love

this imbecile has been bitching about cancel culture since november and he still doesnt have a fucking clue.

When I was in middle school, I made a Slam Book. Each page of the notebook had the name of a popular person at the top. The aim was to pass around the book and anyone could write one line about the subject of the page anonymously.

Look, it’s not that hard.

So I assume Colin Kaepernick is going to be invited to testify? Or is this another venue that will be the exclusive province of underwhelming white men who feel they are owed the respect they never show anyone else?

Fuck man let’s really try, let’s cancel this fucker straight into the middle of the ocean. 

The death toll of cancel culture is still at zero right?

Let’s have a hearing about how MEDIOCRE and BELOW AVERAGE white men are going to be the death of this country....

This is slightly off-topic but I’ve demoted all of my white “friends” to the status of mere acquaintances...because it’s only a matter of time before some racist-ass comment slips out of their chapped lips. Social disengagement has done wonders for my mental health! 

Two things:

“I’m sure I’m going to ruffle some feathers with what I’m about to say,

Thats the GOP way. Instead of doing the right thing. They double down on the wrong thing. No apologies, no acknowledgement of fault

And when that doesnt work. Cry white tears, reframe the conversation “Locker room talk”, and blame cancel culture.