
They had Fisher Price replace the real dashboard with a Speak ‘n’ Spell on day one, so no chance of that.

I’m surprised he hasn’t thought about negotiating a deal where he pleads guilty in exchange for being put under “White” house arrest. Yes, he’s just that loony.

Or at combating the pandemic (which, in his case, would have meant at least letting the competent people person do their his job.

Awww, fuck no.

Followed by watching her do her Nate Robinson imitation...

If you couple this with McConnell (and McGahn)‘s seating of 200+ judges, business is going to be booming.

The question was actually rhetorical. And a testament to Amerikkkan hypocrisy. But thanks.

This sounds like Matt Gaetz territory.

Especially not when he’s parked some of his ill-gotten gains there.

“If a Karen won’t listen to me, I’ll send her ass to the penitentiary.”

The FedEx driver was able to get away and call 911. Deputies arrested Bryant and recovered a pellet gun, which had no orange tip and was “indistinguishable from a real gun,” deputies said.”

You credited McConnell with a soul; your generosity knows no bounds.

They were probably more afraid of what Trump would do to them if they said anything than what Covid was already doing to them. Which is apt for this chain of fools.

Okay, then that herd should have started at the Big Top White House. It’s always great to ask for long as you and yours aren’t the ones doing the sacrificing; remember how Chris Christie’s tune about lockdowns and masks changed after Rona got him in the cross-face chicken wing...

The vast majority of Republicans were already dicks; Trump just turned them into pussies.

White supremacy whiteism; let’s be real about it.

That’s Chalkasians.

I don’t know; that individual on the bottom right...

She won’t need to climb; they’ll toss her silly ass over. Then she’ll wonder how it happened during her mauling.
