
I was about to turn 19 when Gulf War I became a thing, and yeah, there was a worry then to. The thing about armed conflict, it can escalate in unforeseen ways really quickly (e.g. WWI, Afghanistan I & 2, etc...). That the PABotUS would jump straight to the worst possible fucking option isn’t really a surprise but is

Wrong. It does help two key players in Trumpland; Putin and Netanyahu. First off, this gives the Hard Liners in the Iranian government more cover to pull from the Nuclear Deal that Obama helped broker. What a lot of people don’t realize is that the Deal gave Iran a chance to pivot from support from Russian, to support

Remorse, guilt, empathy, and shame are necessary components of functioning adults in a society. If this fucker’s ‘defense’ is that he’s incapable of feeling remorse, and (obviously) has no intention of fixing that, then he should be removed from society.

Happy New Year!

There needs to be not only a trial, but specific key witnesses brought to bear. Let them vote that this man shouldn’t be impeached. They will lose the Senate.

Late addition: This sounds awesome, but way too sweet. Maybe try some of the following changes.

No lies detected.


The worst part is, the next Democrat president will have to use up all his political capital undoing the damage that the PABotUS has done to our country. Thanks 53%. Thanks Zuckerberg, you ghoulish fucking, money grubbing prick.

We get fake trees sometime between 12-27 and 01-10 about every 7 years or so. My wife is allergic to all things that are green and growing, so a real fir tree is out of the question. Christmas at my house smells like cookies and apple cobbler, cause we only bake shit when is -ass degrees outside.

it  was splinter.

Checks out. Carry on!

Now playing

Seeing this clown get pasted on the daily helps keep my soul light and fluffy. However, that’s Richard Spencer (noted neo-nazi and fucking Bigot) not Ben Shapiro (Yes, I know all the smarmy white racist/fascists look the same. But I’m here to help, yo.)

Barr is worse because he’s not just a Racist. He’s a Fascist also.


Turnip got hit by...he got shook by...

If more white people could get this, maybe things could be better.

You are doing the lord’s work. Thank you.

Yup. The (circular and shitty) logic goes like this.