
so, who all thinks that Shang killed katy’s Grampa?

Nah. Fuck them. If you could have voted, but didn’t, this is your fault too.

SUE. SUE SUE SUE. Get ALL the money from that fucking city. Maybe they’ll learn something.

WHOA. Full stop yo. Stacy Abrams might not be a great fit for VP (her lack of National Stage experience is a big ding), but lets not forget that she only ‘lost’ that election through some serious GOP Fuckery.

Extremely Apropos...

Yeah, my wife gets this, I’m gettin’ it so hard. Social distancing only goes so far; if anything, we hug and cuddle now more than before, ‘cause all this shit is too stressful to run at it alone.

This is scary shit, suspending jury trial is suspending habeas corpus. We need to be watching this shit.

All of my nursing fam and friends are getting my love and thanks. Y’all are on the front lines and deserve all the praise.

They closed all schools in KS until the end of the school year yesterday

Yup, and Newt Fucking Gingrich is as Evil as they come. If there was an actual Angry and Just God, that motherfucker woulda found a Shiv in his jugular years ago.

That’s where I’m at too. That vile fuckstick is the worst and you know he’s doing his part to Fuck Over as many at risk people as he possibly can.

He’s probably hoarding tests at the White House and testing him not just daily but several times a day. That narcissistic piece of shit is absolutely hoarding working coronavirus tests.

Ugh, it’s like watching Kaiju sized Shitmonsters fight. No matter who wins, everyone loses, for a multitude of reasons.

When you squint or put enough distance between you and them, all Extremist Hate groups look alike because they all use the same tactics, strategies, propoganda style etc..

Now playing

How the fuck is this still a thing in the year of our lord (anno Denzel) 2020?

You’re a peach as always, Rooo.

Plus: clones! That’s never definitely gone wrong!

Another clever poster suggested pushing Gift Cards. Even at a discount, they could make a big difference for a struggling shop.

NO. I desperately hope that you live no where near me because you’re going to be one of those infectious dipshits that gets the virus and infects everyone around him.

Yeah, like a YUUUGE oil and shale company bailout because “coronavirus”.