
I’ve seen jokes about how the sandworms look like an anus. I think that misses the point, when to me the gaping maw looks exactly like an iris and a pupil. Looking into the maw of a sandworm is literally the void gazing back.

“The Ten Rings will return...” is referring to both her organization and Shang-Chi, who’s the mystic rings new master.

Here’s to hoping it’s a full-on Undercover Boss riff

It could just be a Marvel writing thing, like the average joe humans helping in the final battle in Thor 2. (I’ll give anyone a pass that forgot about them)

The posters for Blip-themed dating apps/sites were a good way to subtly note where we were on the timeline, I thought. 

Damn! Good question. Just got out of it a couple hours ago and didn't think about that.

1. When the latter scene began, and his sister was told someone was waiting for her, I had the terrible feeling it was gonna be Madam Hydra again. So glad I was wrong.

First reference orbs seen to this! Knew I recognized that from somewhere, but couldn't think what it actually was. Excelsior! 

I wonder if there’s a Red Skull variant lurking somewhere in the Void. Looks like the Lokis passed the wreckage of a Focke-Wulf Triebflüge on the way to their hideout.

I really liked the way that Hiddleston danced his way through the slaughter of the multi-betrayal. Once again a strong physical comedy presence.

Did anyone catch that Avengers Tower was labeled with Qeng? It’s at the 2:59 mark of the show. That’s a pretty direct Fantastic 4/Kang reference. Some timeline had them running about.

America continues to influence the world through soft power

It seems to be the world's dick now. 

Is it America’s dick, though?

Forget impeachment. Raise your hand if you agree everyone in this administration should be on trial at The Hague.

Make them help with the firefighting out West. Without masks because the smoke is a hoax. 

I like this solution. Seems to get the point across very well. I’d love to see such an idea gain popularity here along with other solutions such as community service for no mask dingbats.

So many angry white bois. Did they really think Bernie was gonna criticize her?

I am ready to vote today, forget this “Election day is Oct. 20th” nonsense for mail in ballots.  Election day is the day after I get my ballot.  Can’t come soon enough.

My worries about Ms Harris’s past (political, only!) actually have encouraged me to think that she may be able to push a far more progressive program that would otherwise be possible. President Obama, infuriatingly, rarely did anything but seek a compromise, which would have been admirable except that he was dealing