
Less a recap than a telling filtered and reworked through my own lense but here you go:

A fucking Men.

This is a sad truth.

I wanna clarify what I’m saying above.

*sigh* I do not believe that minors should be tried as adults. Their brains don’t work right and are full of dumb shit.

Now playing

Just in case you missed this money shot. Sondland bodies Tekashi in the 2019 “Snitch-olympics”

Not really enough though. Sharice Davids gave KS it’s new blue Gov with her GOtV efforts in KC. If she can duplicate (or better yet, beat) those numbers again in 2020, we have a chance.

Nah, this little shit is just what Trump wants. Trump’s really sort of an Archie Bunker racist, as long as everyone does exactly what he wants, and he can keep them in neat little boxes, he doesn’t care about them. Miller is to Trump what Trump is to the GOP, a peek into their disgusting ID. Miller is both permission

Oh please... please PLEAAAASE get this lying, backtracking, idiot motherfucker on the stand, he’ll be perjuring himself in minutes, if not seconds.

And turned KS, KY, LA governor seats blue. And... And... And...

This is something that’s bothered me for nebulous reasons for a while, and you putting so fine a point on it has made me want to put another ‘fixit’ to your list.

Spidey has been a major character in 9 movies but has been in 11.

Yeah so, to the commenter who is all “whatabout Kathy Griffin”. She came for the fucking POTUS, and his goon squad shot her down. She wasn’t “Canceled” because of “liberal snowflakes” or “millenial babies”. She brought the knives for the Most Powerful Person on the Fucking Planet and all his lickspittle toadies (like

Yes! Thank you. All these people that have supposedly been “canceled” are still doing fine. *Glares at Mel fucking Gibson.*

Hey all just a reminder.

Jesus fucking christ you goddamn ghouls, some of the coppologists that are flooding in from splinter are disgusting.

I use mine to scream at Rapepugnicons and follow my local nerd store.

What an entitled fuckface. Thanks for pointing that Dbag out. I’ll make sure to watch for his(you just know it’s a guy) shit.

Or, she’s in a relationship with an abusive shit, who has her all twisted up. We all know the type. And now that fuckface is gonna drag her to hell with him.