
That means we’re 10th from top. Mexico is 12th. This is not a distinction we want.

Hey, Tool of the Matriarchy, the Racist Fuck you’re replying to is a Racist Fuck. Flag and Dismiss that fucking Racist Fuck.

Those bitches never been down Paseo, unless it was in a limo out slumming or making a tourist stop at Gates.

When I was studying for my series 7, our DFI would send the other prospects and I her latest health exams with a little post it note reading “I will fucking die in prison, please take this shit seriously”. As she was otherwise the sweetest old lady in the history of old ladies, most of us were on our very bestest

You are doing The Lord’s work.

While it’s great to be charitable, sometimes you just gotta call a thing what it is. Focus your charity where it will do the most good if you can.

How about you read the whole article, and the hows and whys?

And he’s also, as he explains every fucking week only part of the committee that decides these rankings.

Breathe it in deep, it will clean you out in no time.

*stares at you in facts*

The majority of americans who voted think you’re full of shit.

How ‘bout you worry about your own fucking Vagina and stay out of other peoples?

I can tell you from personal experience, sometimes people open up to strangers. They feel like this other person is displaying such empathy and lack of judgement that they divest themselves of pain and pathos in such a way that they would never do to their closer friends. That kind of raw opening can lead to a closer

And do it close enough to the election to shit the PABotUS’s poll numbers, depress his voting base and hopefully cause another wave election.

Show Me.... the racism.

Lupita is a freaking Treasure.

The entire Rapethuglican machine was involved in 2016. They are all complicit.

Rethuglicans are quiet right now, because they can’t hide their hate and their shame.

If you want to keep republicans out, build it out of Hillary’s Emails, rapethuglicans can’t get over those.