
This is some great Kinja. Keep up the good work.

Replublicans, deathly afraid their decades long grift is about to be exposed, storms bastion of white power demanding their privileges be expanded Bumrush Impeachment Inquiry With MAGA Lives Matter Protest.

lolling at the troll Iamwhatiam. So fucking bad. It must be so terrible to suck that bad. If you see him lurking, dismiss his ass.

That was probably the worst sin the recent films have produced (don’t @ me, fanboys!). Lupita is so gorgeous, it was such a sin to cover her in all that CG. (Not that she didn’t blow the part out of the water!)

Honestly, she could be the biggest bitch in the world in private, as long as she’s punching laterally, IDGAF. The point is, nothing she said was at all wrong or could be at all criticized Prima Facie. So these women came at her all sideways, which is how you know they had nothing to stand on.

God damnit internet.

A friend came out to me recently saying that she was starting the process. What did it cost/take for me to recognize and accept their status? A little bit of mental gymnastics at first, but then it was just natural. I just don’t get the hate. Some people are saying shit like “they provoked (dawson)“.

Nah, I can hang a blank piece of paper on a wall and declare it ‘Art’, and no one can bag me for it with any real logic. “Good Art” however is a harder bar to pass.

That film just completely blew my fucking mind the first time I saw it. Take any part of it by itself and it would... not be good. But as a whole it’s just this crazy ass blender of so much cool. I will always cape for Bruce Leroy (though he wouldn’t need it.)

Also social imperative. You make a place worth living in by having schools worth staying in.

Nothing is 100% vandal proof, but you can make it tough enough to discourage casual vandalism so that, when you see that some jack ass has damaged it again, you know that they are hate filled fuck-bags and the ‘kids being kids’ argument falls entirely flat.

i feel kinda bad for you if jimmy johns is a step up from your subway. JJ’s is trash here and since they make all their shit the same I assume it’s all trash.

Here’s hoping it works out for you.

The cruelty, the racism, the greed, *IS* the point. These people are honestly fucking evil.

Damn that looks good.

The NRA keeps detailed records of their members. And most new firearms sales come with a free year membership to the NRA.

“Damn, James, I was ready.”

Holy fuck, this show sounds awesome. What service is it on?

I’m not ready to draw specific lines between Gun Ownership and cops shooting black men/women.