Johny Smellgood

I don't think it's banning the recording of pornography. It's banning pornographic apps, in order to cut down on pervs who walk around watching porn on the subway and what have you.

"I watch my friend Jessica running on the treadmill—day after day, year after year—like a madwoman, and going nowhere."

Sriracha sauce. I put it INSIDE the grilled cheese slices before grilling. Perfect!

When done right (and when not done too often), it can be amazing for men. Orgasms in general are pretty great, but anal stimulation is the only time I have "knock the wind out of me" orgasms.


well here he is getting run over in log pants:

I live in RTP. I have a great job at IBM that I work from 10 AM to 5 PM with an hour lunch break. No one cares what I wear to work, and my commute in is less than 5 minutes. My condo is 1300 sq ft, and I pay less than 850 a month for it total. I can get to downtown Raleigh, downtown Durham, or Chapel Hill in about 30

Fair enough! I think that's a fair critique. I'm Buddhist myself, but I always was a little weary of the prayers for leaders. And I don't agree on the gender based rules of ordination at all (although, as someone who isn't ordained, I admit that it's not something I think about all that often).

I was directing my question towards salcele. I'm curious what s/he finds really vile in Buddhism.

Could you explain please?

Gosh that's terrible!

I admit that it's hard for me to contain my anger when I read columns like this. I'm a mellow guy, I meditate, and I stay calm under pressure. But something about the Chris Brown story just makes me angry. It could be that I've never heard his music, so all I know about him is that he's a guy that beat up Rihanna,

It has to do with the job segmentation. Misfit Toy mentioned Healthcare, but it also has to do with government jobs in general. During the recession, male dominated fields like construction took a very big hit, while the effects of the recession took awhile to affect government positions. So female dominated fields

Indeed! It led to a lot of misconceptions about the horrors of childbirth growing up. I just thought I'd throw that out there to balance out all of the "It was terrifying and took half a week!" stories. :D

My mom took 1/2 an hour for my brother and me, each.

This is not actually helpful. It looks like some kind of pay-per view site that will charge me $30

" Buddhism tells us to free ourselves from craving to reach Nirvana."

I have no doubt that privilege exists as a general matter. My skepticism is more geared toward it's application in this instance. If the incidence of mass shooters seems to have no correlation with race, why would we be talking about white privilege? Hence, before we talk about abstract concepts, such as "privilege",

Ok, so do you have any backing that white men are more likely to be mass shooters than the general population? If we track the number of mass shootings (and this is incomplete, but it's a start: ), we see that 44 out of 62 of their shooters where white

If by "gross" you mean "awesome." I seriously love Pocari Sweat. I troll local Korean supermarkets for the stuff. It's delicious!