Man I can’t wait to see the DSCC come after him with all the fury they bring against all of the AOC style challengers. I wonder who he’ll use since they’re going to freeze out any vendors or consultants who help primary Democrats. Because they're certainly going to do that here, and it's totally not just something to…
College faculty member here. While completely inappropriate and extremely unsettling, it pains me to say that I am not surprised by Stallman’s comments and behavior. People who work in academia often lead very microcosmic lives. Especially at the post-secondary level. Some are considered experts and even pioneers in…
“I think people like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning are heroes,” she said. What a breath of fresh air!!
Today on the surreal public affairs program The View, Pamela Anderson, most recently an outspoken supporter of Julian Assange and a woman whose politics are actually quite good,
Glad to see this covered. I actually wrote about the thin NC Dem bench in a comment the other day when complaining about about why the GOP continues to hold much sway.
is that Kaepernick himself has already profited from the very same move Jay-Z is using now.
Wow, the guy really is in an Ivory tower.
Yeah its so boring which is why I remember exactly how she looked, what she said, what she was wearing, how she tasted, how she felt... but I was terribly bored the entire time. It’s definitely not the only time I almost had sex.
Also I went to Harvard and she was totally impressed with that. I didn’t bring it up, she…
A little background:
As the debate continued to heat up— and Dumas’ light-hearted trolling continued to draw the ire of humorless drips everywhere
Whatever, BRYAN.
wow. this really made me think
Because most socialist policies are deeply unpopular and would result in massive electoral losses?
Poetry sucks.
sounds like your decision is between a Rock and a hard place...
I feel like you want this movie to go in One Direction but honestly it’s going in another.