
Been a while since I saw the trailer but I don’t remember it seeming like a big action-adventure movie. It looked very moody and slow-burn-y. Which it was... but I was really surprised by how much stuff happened in the movie that was of bigger scope than I thought it would be. Also, I’ve never read the poem it is

Dear Papa John’s,

If it makes you feel any better... MAJOR SPOILERS...

He’s definitely important but his output is so uneven it’s crazy. I don’t know many auteur directors whose output can range so wildly from brilliant to VOD bargain bin. The last thing I really loved of his was not a movie but a filming of the Broadway play Passing Strange. The play was directed by a Broadway director

Yeah, I’m thinking that saying this movie is about the Manson murders is kinda like saying Amelie is about the death of Princess Di.  I think Di’s death in that movie and its relation to the plot is gonna be about the same as the Manson stuff in this one.  Could be wrong.

I thought that in the end of the original series we found out that Dan was dead of a heart attack or something. He’s back now?

Innocent until proven guilty only applies to whether or not he goes to prison for being a rapist scumbag. Hollywood is filled with toxic people who keep us in the stoneage and the sooner we say that their behavior isn’t tolerated, the better.

Did you ever play Braid?

In the movie they throw a party for a sad dentist where he believes they’re helping him commit suicide with pills and a couple people play/sing the song as the whole affair is happening. SPOILERS Then they get him laid instead and he feels better about life.

In case you don’t know, “jap” is considered a slur and probably not a word someone should casually be throwing around as if it’s not a racist thing to call someone.

If you’re 60 and have a medical condition, sorry, but you’re probably a shitty driver.

If you go to settings you can turn off the dialog cam. Then talking to people is just like in the other Fallout games. You just look at them and they talk at you. Makes it feel WAY more Fallout-y.

Well said.

Every generation looks down on the one below it. Since like the dawn of time. Even when the old generation is too old to do anything anymore and has to rely on the younger generation. ESPECIALLY THEN. It’s the way of the world.

I can’t tell if this article actually has anything to do with being sick of anyone’s bullshit or if it’s just like an article about how much Gen X sucks/rules(?) and is an old fat person now and is more sick of it’s own bullshit than it is at anyone else’s. Which is I guess what Gen X was always really about. Minus

Videogames might tell stories but they’re still GAMES. Games. You can’t skip ahead in Checkers to the moment where your piece is about to become a king.

Wow, it’s like “I’m Old!: The Article.”

Which is why he makes the point that people without experience shouldn’t suddenly helm features. He felt his son hadn’t paid his dues yet. Haven’t seen Earthsea but from what I hear, apparently it was true.

But then it gets to be some legendary experience where you can be all like “i was therrre maaaan, i was there.”

Actions speak louder than words. If a character is deaf and mute should they talk more so that we know its ABOUT them???