I can’t wait for a licensed one for the Xbox One. I love the one for the 360.
I can’t wait for a licensed one for the Xbox One. I love the one for the 360.
I’m 146% sure you were not “just kidding.”
Um, those percents are of individual groups. Not of all Americans.
The original had that badass old granny with the shotgun. Got all those bikers locked up in the shed while Max was running around in the woods.
Isn’t the quest required to get your father? Been a while since I played it so maybe not. How do you continue the story otherwise?
In the article one of the questions is if she is high and her response is “No, I’m a professional.” Sooo... not saying she’s super high right now, actually. It’s a very common question about the show because of it’s trippy visual style. She gave it her honest answer.
They just got most of the big shows from Cartoon Network and Adult Swim like a week ago.
I heard that they announced today that he wasn’t actually gonna have any of those tattoos and the pic was just for an anniversary thing.
It’s harder to light evenly and the subject will likely cast a shadow onto it, whereas the screen is backlit so it’s nice and even. Paper would still be useful for that though.
One person’s experiences who are different than yours. It’s an article about why he doesn’t smoke weed which is also has to do with his issues with being bi-polar. It’s not about why you shouldn’t smoke weed or why weed is bad.
Comment spam much?
Not as stupid as wasting a significant amountt of your day complaining about something for longer than it probably took the author to even write the thing. There are a bunch of other articles to click on if you don't like this one.
I thought Jason was pretty cool because of how douchey he was. Like HE wasn't cool, but getting to be that douchey kid and watching him grow (in way that's more devolving than growing) was pretty interesting.
This guys perspective is just all messed up. Good article about what's cool about Wolfenstein (I guess,) terrible article about why the other way doesn't work. Almost like he has no sense of drama, tension or storytelling. "oh no, everything didn't go exactly how I thought it was. I just wanna be patted on the…
How do you know? You try it for yourself. Problem solved. Go again later or don't.
Urban spoon is better.
Not to mention how scent alters your perception of food.
It boggles my mind that everyone thinks people are arguing about a DRESS when they are really arguing about human perception and the way our eyes and brain can deceive us. Which is certainly worthy of people being like "wha?" for a couple days. It's not as if this has gone on for months or anything. Or even a week,…
Creative mode = cheating. You can just put whatever block of whatever type wherever you want. They're all infinite. In Survival mode you have to mine for blocks and resources to build with. Hence, Minecraft. Survival mode has a few difficulty settings including Peaceful where there are no monsters to kill or be…