
I saw Bio-Dome before I ever saw Blue Velvet. In Bio-Dome there’s a scene where Pauly Shore and Steven Baldwin get high on nitrous and Pauly Shore has a line where he says, “I’m Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet! ‘Oh, I’m slutty! Oh, I’m slutty!’”

HAIM videos don’t count...
Do Thom Yorke collaborations? Because ANIMA was ace.

“I lived them, it wasn’t so bad” - probably because you’re the exact type of person Reagan and his administration liked - a white, straight, neurotypical , middle class American man. I know it’s the big scary no-no word these days, but y’know what that’s called? Privilege. It’s best you start recognizing you lived a

Fuck their freedoms, they need to lose their lives because they don't mind murdering people with impunity.

There should never, ever be more than one LEO giving directions. They pull this shit and then every single officer gets louder and louder because their particular instruction wasn’t obeyed when the person obeyed one of the others. Obeying the most out of control LEO causes the other LEOs to start sounding out of

This entire call should have been taken with a sea-worth of salt. Cooking meth in a car? Really? I don’t know shit about cooking meth; I haven’t even seen a single episode of Breaking Bad. I can tell you one thing though, cooking chemicals requires a heat source unavailable in a goddamn car.

A narrative of the incident in the report states that Taylor fired his rifle because he feared Ramos would “use the Toyota Prius as a deadly weapon.”

I know EXACTLY why you DON’T feel the need to pick sides. You think people shouting at someone are just as bad as the person who pulls a gun on them? Eat all of the shit in the world, racist fuckface.

“Your honor, my road rage was triggered so I had to pull out my gun!”

Same here - cyclist and I will kick the shit outta your quarter panel if you run up on me in a bike lane or across the hike/bike trail. I’m white and a woman though, so I’m sure Kombat Karen would just flip me the bird like everyone else. Glad she’s facing charges. 

I'm a runner. If I'm running through a crosswalk and a car cuts me off in the crosswalk, I'm definitely slapping the car (I'm kind of a dick like that. Also, give runners and pedestrians a break). By these standards, I should have a gun pulled on me roughly a dozen times a year. These people aren't willing to state

There’s always this initial overreaction that “OH SO EVERYONE WHO USES THIS WORD IS RACIST?!” and it’s like “No. That’s not what anyone is saying.”

There are some hugely racist fucks in this thread, that’s for sure. “Racism is wrong, but no I won’t make concessions to be more sensitive - too PC!”

I would love to know a better term.

look all the fuck around you — society HAS made it about race. Media HAS made it about race. Culture HAS made it about race.

When she had a rebuttal to the conversation with black is always seen as nothing or less equal while white is seen as inclusion and better I took it to basic refraction science.

Never ever would I have ever thought these terms had anything to do with race, but to the black and white colors in a redacted printout.

But master branch?

As an aside, what are you really fighting for when you demand to keep a word that a large group of people is bothered by, or that a group of experts finds pejorative?”

I’m not saying this in support or opposition to any specific terms here, but I’m always confused by the guys who try to use etymology as a reason to keep using a word. Language changes, always and forever. Terms can develop new meanings, lose old ones, or change in a million other ways. Just that fact that you have to