that’s more depressing than being single, tbh
that’s more depressing than being single, tbh
Off-Topic but it needs to be said: Judge Gail Standish is a bona fide bad-ass. From her bio:
Johari, girl, you my hero.
It’s not the most concise sentence ever written, but there’s nothing grammatically wrong with it.
It's not your fault.
He even looks good in questionable pants and a blurry picture. GOD MADE THIS ONE ON PURPOSE.
Already making ‘Merica Great Again.
Unabashed ‘Don’t Trust the B’ fan. I have no idea why that did not take off, but I have a friend in “the business” who explained television to me once. She said “If middle america can’t relate to it, it will not take off, unless the tweens\young adults love it in the rest of the country. Also, most people don’t want…
I will never understand how Don’t Trust the B- died while 2 Broke Girls lives on (ilu, Kat Dennings, but no). It’s a fucking travesty.
Class fucking act. That’s not what I want from my celebrities! Now, where did I put Leah Remini’s memoir?
On the Late Show with Stephen Colbert last night, Senator Claire McCaskill dropped by to make an instructive video…
1. Yup, that’s about how big you should be smiling if you are lucky enough to hang out with Iman and Grace Jones on your birthday.
JOSEPH”(of Bible,& Amazing Tech.Dream Coat)
I see a lot of dummies posting pics of their debit and credit cards, numbers allllll visible, on social media. Sometimes also social security cards.
One of my younger friends celebrated getting her driver’s license by posting a picture of the whole thing on facebook. The best part? Her default privacy setting is public, and at that point we were acquaintances at best. I messaged her and told her to stop being a fool and take down something that has her complete…
Reminds me of that time someone posted a giant wad of cash they had and said they were at home, prompting some burglars to come over and steal it a little while later.
Man Does Rude and Not Difficult Thing