Dairy John

Sure it’s a pretty stupid plan and some ‘investors’ into the DAO will end up selling and making more money than other contributors, but I can think of lots of kickstarter projects that I could describe as scams that idiots overpaid for. At least in this case contributors have a stake in the project and can submit

I think most NFTs are either scams or well-meaning projects that will still end up going to zero. The tech is extremely interesting and disruptive though and more reputable uses of it will be coming out constantly. Kotaku’s coverage of it is very biased and ignorant and I enjoy bringing a bit of real discussion into

Take a deep breath, wipe the foam off your mouth, and read your abuse-laden sentences back to yourself before you hit post, this one needed a bit of editing.

Link? All I see is the google photos album that everyone is sharing, but it’s clearly not a cover-to-cover scan of the book.

I don’t think that’s what they think, though. From the buzzfeed article:

I’m also confused why they had to bid up to $3 mil when the expected price was $40k

They didn’t buy an NFT of the book, and they aren’t selling one

You sound stable

the buzzfeed article is good and doesn’t resort to name-calling or the snarky tone of this article

I’m still waiting for the kotaku articles making fun of collectors who buy physical copies of old games. Don’t those idiots realize I can just download ROMs of their precious old games? 😂😂😂

Despite drinking 2 coffees this morning, I had to take a big poop

It’s not that simple. Ethereum network would use the same amount of energy regardless of the amount of NFTs minted or traded

Ya’ll will be dragged kicking and screaming into a future where you can resell your game items and will embrace it sooner or later

join the private bored ape discord with your copy, oops

This mod and this article about it just makes Bored Apes more infamous and increases their notoriety and value.

Yeah and what about a high-school shooting level, where all students are 18 years old, the same age as some of the soldiers in the war games

i saw the actual movie. not great but nothing to get offended by

It’s in subjectively poor taste. 

I wasn’t intending to sound like it was potential, I thought we both understood I didn’t know that about CS:GO lol, so I meant ‘if that’s the case, ew.’

If you can speculate upon and resell digital items in CS:GO, lol, that’s fucked