Dairy John

Are you upset every time a multi-billion dollar corporation is asked to do due diligence, or just this time? Heaven forbid the super serious world of 2nd rate fps tourneys be disrupted. THEY OUTTA HANG FOR THIS!!!

Most of you guys call this hacker a loser but honestly it’s EA and RESPAWN that are the losers. Cmon, how can you people not realize this? EA and Respawn release half assed games just like Activision/Blizzard, Infinityward and Sledgehammer release half assed COD and don’t give a shit about their Gaming community. So

Exactly. They brought this on themselves, and are lucky it was as mild as it was.

All you guys mad at this what do YOU think “white hat hacking” looks like?

... so play at lower level?

Wow, how condescending. Is this how you talk to people normally?

Pretty bold suggesting that someone doesn’t play the game, then say there are 10 difficulties when there are in fact 9.

Yes, the devs are fixing the tuning, and perhaps the higher difficulties are supposed to be difficult; perhaps players had gotten too bold in thinking they could simply walk into the higher

LMAO. I almost have 100 hours. The patch is the first of many tweaks to get the game where they want. The true issue, which was even an issue before this is the spawning at higher difficulties. But sure you know better than the devs so go ahead and keep whining. If people don’t want any messing with the meta than

The dev totally didn’t say it the right way but he has a point. The fucking whiners about a balance patch in this game are insufferable. Its been out for like two weeks. Its not like they took away some weapon after two years. Of course they are gonna have to fix some shit once the players get their hands on it. 

This is all cool and all but it failed to address a few of the more questionable points, like some...weirdly aggressive, to say the least, tweets done by Maya Kramer in the past, or a strange video of Kim talking about their method of “terrifying” developers. It really doesn’t sound like they’re such amazing people

Alyssa Mercante, what you said on Twitter/X was very racist. Do you truly believe you “can’t be racist towards white people?” Thats clearly a reflection of your hate towards white people. How you’re still employed with your racist comments is beyond me while the rest of the world gets cancelled for saying anything

Hey chief, why were you trying to dox people in the dumbest manner possible (by literally asking people why they didn’t have their personal info on their discord accounts) when you went to the discord channel for the anti-SBi Steam Curator group? You going to mention that in between writing this blatant lie of an

If you truly believe you are in the right, then there would be no need to remove comments that you disapprove.
But seeing as all replies are positive towards the article, it’s pretty obvious that other comments are being deleted. In reality, there are always going to be people who disagree. Silencing them only makes

i think most people are upset about the anti-white and anti-Semitic racist quotes dropped by employees at SWI. you can’t claim diversity from a place of so much hate.

Sweet Baby Inc. CEO Makes It Clear She Wants To Erase White Male Lead Characters While Employee Shows Disdain For White People.

CEO Kim Belair tells me over video call. She continues:

Sweet Baby is, at its core, a narrative development company. That means anything from script writing to narrative design to narrative direction, to story reviews. One of the things that we do offer is cultural consultations or authenticity consultations. For us,

A bought article from corrupt journalists. SBI is a cancer on the gaming industry and they need to go away. They’re racist and sexist.

“Not a DEI consultancy company”

Im sure these comments will be filtered with people that only agree, but youknow how people despise backseating and being told what to do? How is people you dont know telling you what you SHOULD and SHOULDNT be allowed to see or whats right in their media with 0 input from the actual consumers not the exact same thing?

Streisand Effect’s a bitch, huh?