Dairy John

what an absolute chad.

and boycotts are just consumers exercising their rights. weird that kotaku didn’t have a problem with people boycotting Harry Potter but they do when people boycott Sweet Baby

You could say the same about people whining about the environment or Palestine all day. It can’t be fun, but they just enjoy the feeling of being outraged

yeah “digital collectibles” are tooootally not going to get more popular over time. nobody uses the internet and nobody likes collecting things or gambling

They took a risk to invest in new technology (probably bought ethereum under $100). Why would they give money to someone who didn’t take any risk and also calls them stupid?

kotaku said it was dead but it’s stronger than ever... why did they lie to us...

it’s so strange that we are talking on the internet when the dot-com bubble burst in 2000... how can that be!! the bubble burst!!

damn you sound very bitter and jealous

I’d rather have an uncaring algorithm based on the fictional resources the bugs/machines have so it makes sense in the ingame universe.

cause they know we all dislike Pokimane and will click to see if she got canceled or something. on the other hand nobody is clicking an article about “Matpat” whoever that is

I think it’s because of all the suicide bombings

I’m done with games that don’t let me kill every NPC. It’s so tiresome when game designers act so precious about their story that they think they know what I want better than I do. Gamers rise up, we demand 100% killability for every in-game character

embracing new technology, love to see it 👍

Bitcoin ETFs just got approved, crypto is only getting more and more legitimized

I would definitely play that game in the header

just bring back 6v6

you can hear someone say “yeah exactly!” in the video, so i think somebody did know what he was talking about

one of the worst kotaku articles i’ve ever read, and the bar is low

can’t wait til Rockstar AI-clones Roger Clark’s voice and he has to take his own advice

lame. they should get their own ideas