Dairy John

DeFi is DEcentralized Finance, not centralized lender. Also you have summoned another hay golem

Sir you have constructed a wicker person

This is you, trying to ban a new technology while on a site dedicated to gaming, a technology the previous generation tried to ban.

How is it “horrible” besides the environmental issue (which PoS does largely though not fully address)? Scarcity and verifiability in a digital context is something worth exploring. Think of how many things in real life depend on a physical signature, as if it offers any sort of legitimacy to something.

Just like the Switch uses less energy than other consoles, there are blockchains that use less energy than Ethereum.

Not very self-aware to be throwing stones at the crypto industry’s energy use from a gaming website (console gaming in particular has huge energy cost and leads to filled landfills). Is gaming more important than the environment?

Valve’s not banning it cause it’s offensive, but because it would replace the steam item marketplace with a different system that they don’t get a cut from.

Steam will reverse this decision sooner or later as NFT in-game items become more popular and Steam Market items start to look antiquated.

what’s the environmental issue with proof of stake blockchains

i’m sure he’d love a pack of physical cards more

There are already several blockchain card games that you can play, and I guarantee they are all better than pokemon which has never been about the gameplay at all, only about the collectability and shiny cards.

NFTs are superior to trading cards in nearly every way (can verify the rarity, can trade without leaving your house, can’t physically degrade them by mishandling) and it’s hilarious how frothy kotaku gets with the circlejerk against them. Just as silly as the people who are completely pro-nft

kotaku 15 years ago: horse armor wahhh why would anyone buy a digital item

you don’t understand what literally means. there is no piece of paper in an envelope involved

Spoiler: this isn’t going to age well.

does “suum cuique” translate to “i love the smell of my own farts

What a hypocrite

If all hard games need an easy mode, then all easy games need to add a hardcore mode.