Gnollton Gnash

I enjoyed the episode for the most part, but the most sci-fi beat by far was the idea that police officers would protect anybody against government aggression.

Jesus Christ why is this a slideshow. Do you hate your readers that much?

I enjoyed it. Any notes I have are fairly minor, possibly because I didn’t have a headcanon lined up for this prior to watching it. Did every joke land? No! But that’s true of literally every comedy I’ve seen in my life.

The Dark World featured Jane and Darcy joking with each other. Particularly when it came to romance, but I also vaguely remember them doing it at the final battle with teleporting shenanigans. But also, the first 2 movies never gave Jane a chance to do much beyond dumping info.



If you somehow thought this movie would be less comedic than the previous movie written and directed by the same guy, I don’t know why you would think that. But Taika brings the heart this time too, if that’s any consolation? At least when Taika is writing him, the jokes land better, but he’s still silly.

A damn good episode.

This adult is finding it far from “aggressively mediocre.” Aside from maybe WandaVision, this show by far exceeds any of the other MCU shows in showing realistic human emotion an interaction that comes across as genuine. 

To be fair, we were promised a lot of gore and seriousness in Moon Knight and we did not get it.

He was a great character who surprised me by being a nerd but also a metal head but also a really good guy—subverting all sorts of tropes I’ve had paraded in front of my in pop culture for decades.

Thanks so much for catching this! The numbers are straight from the paper itself, but you’re right, they don’t make sense. I’m thinking that there were an error in translation along the way and that they may have meant to write 600/50,000 IU, which would then be equivalent to micrograms. Have emailed the authors to

Your conversion is off by 40,000! If you don’t use IU’s, then the typical dosage is measured in MICROgrams or mcg, NOT milligrams (mg). The US Recommended Daily Allowance of 600 IU of Vitamin D is about 15 mcg, not 600 mg!

If I had to blindly guess: Disney found an issue with the copy of the first episode that was uploaded to the Disney+ platform (one not noticed by most viewers, but still something Disney felt needed to be corrected).

Ahem, ahem, ahem, eh?  Bub in WHAT accent???  🏒🍁🟥⬜🟥

That sort of damage is common when a specimen is uncovered during mechanized commercial mining operations. Even when the operator is keeping an eye open for fossils (and a lot of them do, particularly when the formation is known to feature them), the machines take such big bites of overburden that it’s almost

Sure, but the DM is initially skeptical about Erica’s character and when she mentions “Kukri” he doesn’t respond with “what book is that from?” or anything like that.  He doesn’t actually vet her character sheet at all!

This one has an easy dodge, though: every version of the game has allowed (even encouraged) the DM to make up their own house rules for things that are not covered in the printed rulebooks. Speaking as someone who was an AD&D nerd in the ‘80s, if Erica saw a picture of a kukri and wanted it for her character, as a 1st

And yet she didn’t remember Will’s birthday in 1986. No one did.

Fact checking when a song came out feels like such a basic thing that it shouldn’t be up to the frigging cast to actually do it.