Gnollton Gnash

And the point about Jade is a good one. Out of everyone, really she should have ended up with the cuirass.

I get the selflessness argument, but Boorman (and everyone else, for that matter) made the exact same leap of faith as she did, so I don’t buy her as uniquely suited.

It just feels like they liked the idea of a big princess vs. prince, good vs. evil showdown for the finale, but didn’t put in the work to justify it.

Can someone explain to me exactly how Kit was more worthy than Boorman? Or really of anything?

Thanks for another great read. I would definitely buy any one of these series as a coffee table book.

I actually thought this was much better than the previous episodes. It certainly had the best pacing of the three.

As if outing oneself as a Canadian is any less shameful.

It leaked on the internet. You have just outed yourself as a pirate. For shame.

So you're saying it will probably be good, then?

Wait Claudia Black is in this now? I’m going to have to give it another try.

The only thing better than reposted Twitter is reposted Twitter reposting Reddit.

Thanks so much for doing this, Alasdair.

People haven't quite whined enough against it in internet comments sections yet. Keep up the good work, though. You'll get us there eventually.

Have you checked under the cushions? Or in your other jacket?

Cornhole is the worst name for anything ever.

This was easily my favourite episode of the season.

Yes, and? He starts off the movie thinking he's above the people and more deserving than those around him. Losing the suit gains him his humanity. Given the crap that's been going on these days in South Korean society, it's a critique that resonates strongly with its intended audience.

Except that's not the message of the film at all. It's very clearly "the problems of society are made worse by the selfishness of rich assholes and the fear of the masses" and "only through self-sacrifice can we overcome these problems."

To my mind, Black Sails is the best show on tv not (currently) being reviewed here. It was a bit of a slow burn waiting for all the world-building to get done over the first season or so, but the emotional and dramatic payoffs have been well worth the wait.

Hey kid, wanna buy a space monkey?

I was thinking more Cabin Boy era Chris Elliott, but he could totally still pull it off now.