Gnollton Gnash

Okay. I may be showing my ass here. Was the woman in the visions not also Kamran’s mother? Cuz my brain went “Oh. Kamran’s mother is Kamala’s GGM, who is immortal somehow, but that’s fine, Marvel’s going to the ‘immortal evil Inhuman female ancestor’ well* again, and... that makes Kamran Kamala’s great uncle? ... no,

Action focused on mundane shit you say?  How about a trade dispute?

The technology is all the same and hasn’t advanced much in the last 30 years...

If they did they would unclearly label is as a review but then post a scene by scene recap with little in the way of an actual review. 

They don’t really do a lot of show reviewing around here anymore.

Why the hell hasn’t the AV Club reviewed a single episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds?

It is so bizarre to scoff at the idea of reviving a dead IP, when it’s being done by a team who have found success doing exactly that.

My partner and I have never watched Clone Wars, and we were both confused why the camera was lingering on that character.

C’mon Sam... just, really? Suicide Squad were prisoners that Waller used to go on suicide missions. Thunderbolts were Baron Zemo’s Masters of Evil in different costumes posing as superheroes in order to gain power and control. The closest they came to being like a suicide squad was during Civil War I when they were

  1. Molly White, founder of “”

Like I accidentally walked in on the writer taking a shit.”

Basically, James Corden has so thoroughly owned the concept of a late-night show that the only way to move forward is to try a different approach.

Yep! And we’re all stuck here with no where left. I genuinely can’t find anything like old AV Club. It sucks. This site got me through some dark times.

There’s really nothing left here, is there.

Folks, there we have it. Peak Barsanti.


And yet it is precisely how human language has always worked. It is vitally important for the speakers of a language to agree upon the meaning of words, but at the same time, attempting to halt the gradual evolution of language is a bit like trying to hold back a hurricane with an umbrella. At some point, one must

Why? That's how language works and has always worked. Ask me what I think about the difference between "drones" and "quadrocopters".

Having worked on shows discussing modern “holograms” I have some insight. First words mean what the majority of the people using them think they mean, as such their definition often changes over time. Holograms is one of those words. Originally a hologram was a recording of a 3d light field etched onto a surface in