Gnollton Gnash

Vance is right that his song—one of only two Valiants songs that ever charted, along with “Barbara Ann” parody “Bomb Iran”—predates Carey’s by about five years,

Do people actually use the search bar? Turning it off (as well as other annoying, useless taskbar apps) is one of the first things I do with any new Windows system. I tried upgrading to Windows 11 but it immediately made most of my games unplayable with flickering on my laptop, so I downgraded a couple days after

I thought she was little over-the-top at first, especially for a nurse in Sick Bay, but she really has grown on me the past few episodes.  She very easily slips between silly and serious when necessary.

Covid protocols 

I mean, if Sam Neill seems somewhat unfamiliar with the male/female connector names now, 30 years after the movie’s release, I don’t have much faith in him recognizing it when filming. He probably just assumed it was only to display Grant’s inability to use technology (those high-tech devices known as seatbelts) while

Not only is it not a debunk, I wouldn’t call it a theory or foreshadowing either. It’s more a moment of visual symbolism that ties into the thematic throughlines of the movie (and novel).

I’d never heard this before, but honestly whether or not it was intentional or not doesn’t really matter. Even accidental foreshadowing is still foreshadowing.

If the show is any indication, she's not a very good actor and absolutely shouldn't have to deal with even a single tweet of racist garbage from dweeby fuckups who get scared whenever a POC is on screen.

I guess the charitable take is they didn’t think it was necessary at the time. Looks like they learned their lesson about their fans by now.

I love how they are like “she’s a great actor and person, you shouldn’t be racist to her.”  For the record, people shouldn’t be racist to her even if she were the world’s worst actor.

I’m glad Ingram is getting this much support, but it just underscores how easy this would have been to do when John Boyega, Kelly Marie Tran or even Daisy Ridley were getting avalanches of hate when the sequels came out. What changed?

No reason for racism or violent threats, that’s inexcusable. However, it’s not racist to say she isn’t up to the task and that she is clearly in over her head as an actress.

I’m like 99% certain that Reva is one of the Order 66 kids from the start of the first episode “We run!” So the backstory chunk there should be interesting as she seems to be very, very invested in pleasing Lord Vader.

The people who are running their mouths off implying race is part of the weak character writing should get blasted accordingly. But the folks who are criticizing based solely on the character’s likeability shouldn’t be lumped in with those miscreants.

I don’t have anything negative to say about Ms. Ingram because of her race, yet I do not think she is right for the part. She hasn’t got the depth or gravitas to play the part, at least it is not on display. She plays like a bratty child and not someone with power. I can imagine a younger Angela Basset playing the

I just wish her character was remotely interesting.

Funny how Disney didn’t do that shit with John Boyega.

this “controversy”, tweet, and article are Disney’s new Star Wars psy-op trilogy

I’m just saying, one of the reasons for English’s persistence is that we’ll just happily borrow words from other languages

you make it sound like efforts to preserve a language are a bad thing