Gnollton Gnash

The US’s entire history is stemmed from oppression; to steal from “the other” and to gain from it all. To take pride in the country’s history, while proclaiming to denounce racism means having to own up to your beloved country’s actions. And no politician wants to do that AND part up with their money.

Unlikely theory: homage to the Dude, who we never actually see bowling.

Gotta love how this supposedly revolutionary technology has been around for over a year now, and so far its done absolutely nothing except overcomplicate the process of saving a Jpeg, make video games less fun (“play to earn?” how about I play to enjoy, dumbshit?) and of course, vomit out a staggering amount of

Is the sophomore episode slump a thing? I hear it about albums, but episodic TV?

I found the shots when Marc is leaving the museum on the CCTV, and looking at the camera, with Steven looking back - shot-to-shot-to-shot-to-shot of the same actor staring at us, a masterclass... the hair is the same, the clothes are the same, but Oscar Isaac exuded such different energies as each character that it

The reason Van was pushing people in the pool is the same reason dude was scamming them. They were billionaires because they were first bank in Cape Town, South Africa. Van wasn’t staring at the art. She was staring at that pic.

Love these TV ‘reviews’ which just consist of the writer recounting every single part of the plot, something superfluous for anyone who’s watched it and offputting for someone who hasn’t, without going into why anything works or doesn’t.

Paper Boi thought “trees” meant marijuana. 

“How was your weekend?”

tfw you’re required to produce one more Moon Knight article for release day SEO traffic and you literally create a whole new page url just to say it’s on Disney+

No. You should stop commenting.

“...why else would Jim Carrey, someone who was not at the Oscars (as far as we know) and has no real stake in the drama, be getting headlines for talking about it?”

Jim Carrey weighed in because he was asked about it. 99.9 % of these stories about celebs weighing in on things (are Marvel movies cinema/Oscars slap, whatever) is because they’re asked about it on press junkets to generate the one Carrey’s doing for Sonic 2. But you know this. 

You know, it occurs to me that if you don’t think that a celebrity’s response to something is particularly noteworthy, then you have the option to simply NOT REPORT ON IT. This weird sort of unearned condescending snark may be Barsanti's trademark, but I'll be damned if I can understand why it's something that the GMG

From GMG alum Timothy Burke, the footage from the Japanese broadcast:

That was Will Smith’s biggest hit in years.

I dunno Soy Milk seems to do fine. 

Dick Rider.

I don’t care if John C. Reilly’s character in GotG was neither of these people you mentioned, they should cast him in the lead.

Most importantly, The Flash will be returning for season nine ...