Gnollton Gnash

Most importantly, The Flash will be returning for season nine ...

I thought this originated in the Daily Mail rather than The Mirror and, well... Daily Mail.

just beginning to figuring it out? theyve pushed it back 20 times now. they know, they just have contractual obligations to put it out.

When the news broke it was literally the first question that popped into my head. I assume others were wondering the same thing.

When will people stop pretending the “Snyderverse” isn’t shitty? Snyder’s virtues as an artist apart, his vision for the JL and its individual characters has been always wrong. He doesn’t understand, let alone love, the source material. It’s only still a thing because a small army of edgylords think their whims should

Dude John Stewart as been a Green Lantern since 1971.

I’m just going to assume you don’t know anything about Green Lantern.

So it’s worth changing, and not in a meaningless “we’re mad at them!” way like Freedom Fries.

I wonder if the ability to preemptively disable notifications will extend to being able to tell Google Play that no, I don’t want Google Play to send me notifications, and stop asking me to turn notifications on, or whether Google’s services will be privileged and allowed to continue to dun you for all eternity about

I think you’re the only person I’ve read who was this enthusiastic about Eternals, outside of Zhao herself. I was mainly going to dispute the idea that Eternals is divisive, because even the positive reviews tended to be fairly tepid, “It’s not the worst Marvel movie...Zhao has some nice compositions when it’s not

If something is “divisive” that usually means it creates two very distinct (good/bad) responses. Zhao’s “the divisiveness coming from critics and the fans” doesn’t make sense, nor does this article’s “divisive response to Eternals”.

For me, the problem with Eternals wasn’t that it was different or ambitious - that was fine. The problem is it introduces an enormous cast of characters for us to get to know, then dumps a ton of exposition on us about those characters, then we learn that everything the characters know (that we just learned) is wrong,

I’ve really been enjoying this series so far, I think the first two episodes were a bit slow, but really picked up on episode 3, each episode since then has been better and better.

This is such a weird take to read. Not because how one should feel when watching the film, but because I didn’t that is all in line with the general criticism I read about it.

I don’t know that anyone HATED the Eternals, or was mad about Zhao directing, or mad that it deviated from source material.

Eternals felt like a Phase 2 movie to me. I didn’t hate it, but it felt long. Just so very long. And despite using characters the general public knew nothing about, and making the bold choice of having Zhao direct, the whole movie felt like it was playing it too safe. (And man, the standard MCU quips just did not fit

I wanted to like this movie and there was a lot of stuff in it that really worked for me (including maybe the cleverest meta gag I’ve ever seen in a film), but the editing just felt off in a way that’s hard to put into words.

I don’t know what’s better, the blaster or Adam’s sheer glee using it!

I’m okay with it, but then again we haven’t even seen the show in action or how they want to address Kirk. I guess I’m in the “let’s wait and see.

$10 says the FF will be Quantum Realm-based in the MCU anyway, for the exact reason that there’s no reason at all to introduce another weird realmy place when they’ve already got one.  Four explorers venture into the Quantum Realm to learn more about this thing, and whammo, they get blasted/infused with quantum energy