Gnollton Gnash

My youngest son was very excited to watch this, and I had high hopes for it. Both my kids love Lower Decks, and it has gotten them to watch and love Star Trek TNG with their Dad. So we all watched the first two episodes together-my elementary school aged son, me, and my high school aged son. And.......both my kids

I wish I could get excited for Orville but the shows so tonally all over the place that I just don’t get what I am watching.   I like Lower Decks,  I kinda like Discovery. I don’t want someone to put them in a blender and just pull out random plots to make an episode.  Maybe this week its funny, maybe this week it

I really wish I could get excited about this. I will probably watch, because TNG is the Trek I really grew up with and Jean Luc Picard is one of the greatest television characters of all time. But I thought the first season was terribly written and terribly thought out. The plot was underdeveloped nonsense, veering

As someone who has always been part of a Tribe, I already felt these things about Anakin slaughtering the Tuskens. So, welcome to our world.

Am I the only person who thought that throughout the prequel trilogy, Anakin became obsessed with Amidala in a very unhealthy way and used his force powers to force a sexual relationship with her into existence? He used the dark side to pursue a super creepy, age inappropriate, secret hold over her, keeping her as his

Rob if you want to understand George Lucas’s vision of the Tuskens, Then you have to watch the movie the Searchers, And see how the Han Solo and Luke Skywalker inspirations(well, a facet anyway) handle the savages that stole the girl most important to them in their lives. The scene where Anakin sneaks into the camp is

Pretty sure the Netflix algorithm was also pushing Daredevil at the same time, because it was front and center every time I opened the app. Not saying more people weren't also seeking it out, but it's hard to ignore the ways platforms put their finger on the scale.

that they don’t experience empathy or don’t understand love”  -Autistic people are middle management?

For those who don’t know, per NYT:

What we’d really love would be a revival of pre-Spanfeller AV Club.

So what ever became of zombie boy?! Last I saw (remember) is his dad stuffing him in a cabinet and then running off with his sis. What was the point/sub-plot with the whole magic healing alien dogs anyway?

That’s the thing. I think they have, but every ad they see isn’t “oh no horrible usability”, it’s “CHING CHING CHING”. I’m sticking around until they turn the lights out, but I don’t blame a soul for heading for greener pastures...

This review is ironically deeply unempathetic which fits considering this TV series is all about losing empathy.

Travis is pretty on-brand for a 90s troubled teenage guy. I don’t think he’s the “best” or “worst”, he’s an accurate portrayal of a dude from the era who’s not internally enlightened enough to know how to fix himself and doesn’t have outside sources guiding or forcing him to improve.

“The intelligence and wounded sensitivity Thatcher conveys in her eyes don’t sync up with Lewis’ more hardened stare”

Acording to Tyler, the bombings weren't his idea, but some of the other kids going rogue while he was incapacitated, IF you believe him. He's hardly trustworthy, but the show did introduce some doubt.

Its another bogy man myth.  5G exists elsewhere in the world and no one else seems to be having issues.

The only person who could have done this is Natalie Portman, and even that wouldn’t be a great idea. Mara feels far too spiky.

Why does it differ from the old one? Probably because the old one sounds stupid.

So far, the biggest question is why Boba Fett even wants to be crime lord of the outer rim.