Gnollton Gnash

As a sidenote on bad stuff in this episode, while majority of it was so boring for me that I didn’t really find myself caring at all, there was one scene which was so hilariously bad that I am still cracking up laughing about it even now.

soap opera

As a fervent fan of the Super Dimension Fortress Macross franchise, I find all this talk of continuity amusing.

My advice? Just enjoy the ride. It’s a Spider-Man character existing in a Spider-Man universe. Maybe it’s a different universe where Tom Holland has Toby Maguire’s costume and backstory, but fights Andrew

The first teaser trailer for Sony’s Morbius arrives. Michael Morbius is shown running down an alley which has a large picture of Spider-Man on it, with “MURDERER” graffitied over it, indicating that Morbius takes place in the MCU. (Confusingly and hilariously, the picture is of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man suit as used in

The poster could have been a dumb trailer thing just to fuck with fanboys’ heads. Trailers lie all the time.


He was hit by a car right before that fight. Also he’s not dead. 

You are a miserable fuck who hates joy. Someone has to tell you this.

Okay... after some careful analysis, I don’t think it’s actually all that bad. 8' is only ~two thirds the length of a Mini Cooper. And Mini Coopers are small cars.

Now then, when it gets to be 2/3rd the length of a mid-size sedan like a Honda Civic, then we have a problem.

I guess I’m the outlier here but on balance, I don’t really give a shit about spoilers and personally think fans are way too precious about them. It matters more to me what’s done with them in the context of the story vs. just finding out “x happens.”

I find that modern spoiler culture seems to revolve less around meaningfully preserving surprise around major plot points but by preserving a ‘cult of spoilers’ where if you want to have a discussion about anything pop culture everyone has to give Disney 15 bucks.

Yeah, marketing campaigns go through stages. They know they have fans who will go asap to try and avoid spoilers, and the first wave is for them. The posts talking about spoilers are way more about putting that fear in fans’ minds rather than trying to dispel them. Then they tend to have a next-wave that shows all the

Try to get to Network advanced settings in the Settings app as compared to Control Panel. Go ahead and let me know how many random things you clicked on that was not it!

I just want to know... why?

I thought it was drop dead hilarious that Tom Hardy didn’t actually get to do anything in the MCU. Don’t get me wrong, I would have loved an actual crossover. But the way this actually played out — with that big post-credits arrival at the end of Venom 2, only for him to just leave in the post-credits of the very next

As seen in one of the Spider-Man trailers:

Reviews of Spider-Man stuff leave me feeling like I’m the only person in the world that likes the team up aspect of the MCU version.  Will Spider-Man ever get a solo outing?  YES! He had five of them already!  Spider-Man, setting the 90s prevalence of Wolverine aside, has always been the ultimate buddy superhero,

This is, again, just a new variation on the Marvel business model of extended universing.