Gnollton Gnash

Which makes it all seem very deliberate and planned out.

For all the positive, there was something that drove me nuts in this episode.

I think it tends to be the ‘rich’ part more than the ‘white male’ part: the wealthier you are, the more you an insulate yourself from criticism, the less you’re able to withstand it, basically.

I came to say.

I thought the “they don’t work” thing regarding stones in Loki was specifically that they don’t work in TVA headquarters.

The paperweight Infinity Stones are from timelines that don’t exist anymore, so maybe that’s why they don’t work. Ultron isn’t destroying timelines or universes, he’s just fumigating them.

It’s no Moonraker

The digital style is from French/Belgian comic artists of the 80s, specifically Moebius. If you liked the art style, I’d recommend reading The Incal. You’ll see the resemblance immediately.

Remember when new ideas were new?

I’m amazed James Corden isn’t in there somewhere. Oh shit, he’s Yoshi, isn’t he?

“Obvious prank makes for great misleading article header

Baller move. Yeah, don’t tell people things will be outside and then just construct a building in an outdoor space. That just makes it inside again! I’ve seen so many restaurants do this - offer outdoor space, then essentially build another building in the street with four walls and a ceiling. You just recreated

Not enough non-MAGA types take this seriously BECAUSE people like Woodward wait to publish a book about it. The fact that such damning events are covered up in the name of book sales saps any sense of urgency from the general populace. Meanwhile the New Confederate Party marches on....

Carrie Coon for The Leftovers is probably the one that bothers me the most.

Agreed completely. These columns - and their predecessors - have been the absolute highlight of the site for the past few years, showcasing the sort of intelligent, knowledgeable articles on pop culture - with the right mixture of facts, analysis and personal opinion (that never fell into feeling like someone’s

Oh, absolutely. The Friday columns (“When Romance Met Comedy” is really equally great, even though its subject speaks a little less to me) have been one of best, if not the best thing on the AV Club for a while. Also one of the rare places left with consistently interesting and active comment threads.
I really hope

Tom, all three of these series of columns have been appointment reading for me the last few years. I really hope you've got another one in the works. Otherwise, I'll have to go back and start Age of Violence over again.

This has been a great series, and it’s kept me coming back to the AV Club for each update. And now that the series is over....well, that’s probably it for me around here. Here’s to a genuinely great series of essays, and here’s to what was once one of the finest websites around. And finally, here’s a hearty fuck you

Tom, you are the man. Six decades worth of cinema and you made each article such a captivating read. I can’t wait to see what series you come up with next for A.V. Club- will definitely be in it for the long run.

Amen to that. I made an extremely mild post in that last thread about Jennings basically saying that I prefer not to watch Jeopardy if Jennings hosts (as a person with a physical disability, his tweet really rubbed me the wrong way), but that everyone has their own line for this kind of thing and to each their own.