Gnollton Gnash

“Either everyone dies and the universe is doomed, or there’s some last-minute twist that reveals that the universe is doomed in some other way.”

I have to stop. Writing bad things about Mystery Men is too easy, which I wish that wasn’t the case. I wish watching the film again revealed something new, something interesting, something fun. But it did not. Instead, I was left enraged that this film, with this level of talent, turned out as poorly as it did.

Paramount’s consistent region-locking of their YouTube videos is both baffling and fucking annoying.

I heard the news, and yelled “NO!” This is absolutely heartbreaking. He remains one of my favorite actors ever. So much great work, and decades more that he would have given. 

Sounds perfect to me. Draw from it, be inspired by it, but stop trying to perfectly recreate stories that have already been told. 

Blade was a D-lister who didn’t even have a real name prior to the first Snipes film, so the movies have really done more to define him than the comics ever did.

James Gunn says “hi”.

Wolf is one of the great fictional characters of the last 10 years

Future Man was way better than it had any right to be, and single-handedly made me start liking Haley Joel Osment

The only reason the first Wonder Woman was so well received was because it was the only bright spot in a disaster of a franchise, a lonely lifeboat in a vast sea of poop. If it were a Marvel flick, it would have been placed among the Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 tier of movies.

God... you watched it twice?  On purpose?

I’m so fucking tired of this complaint though. The issue isn’t the size of the screen, it’s that directors put so much visually confusing CGI jump-cut orgies in the final cut that unless you’re seeing it on a screen 20 feet tall, you’re never going to be able to keep track of what is going on. It’s like everyone

For a substantial segment of the population, the drawbacks of seeing a movie in the theater outweighed the advantages, pre-pandemic. First of all about 10 years ago I stopped going to any theater at all where I couldn’t reserve seats. Then there’s travel, cost, the random chance that someone sitting near me is some

It really blows my mind, I would like to somehow see the thought process. How do you have serious skeletons in your closet, see other people go viral and their skeletons from like 20 years ago come up and cost them everything.... Then decide to throw yourself in the spotlight to replace a universally beloved host.

The minimal, if any, improvement is just proving how goddamn talented the original stop-motion animators were. The originals are fine.

At this point LeVar Burton is looking like the best option. He’s a beloved personality and veteran of three iconic TV shows. He’s never tweeted anything discriminatory or hateful. He’s not an anti-vaxxer. And he wants the job.

I still don’t get the need for directors to keep giving this incredibly lukewarm take. Yeah it sucks that the movie you made, a labor of love, didn’t get a full theatrical run. But also...cope. It’s not personal. It’s the result of a global pandemic that has killed ~4.5 million people (so far).

She should be more heartbroken by what a mediocre film she made.  

I have zero sympathies for the feeling a piece of work is meant to be seen on the big screen. That’s true of literally thousands of classic pieces of cinema, yet entire generations of people have only experienced them on a small screen. Something like, say, Jaws or North by Northwest doesn’t become a horrible movie

Anything that forces Hollywood to pay more attention to plot and character, instead of big-screen visual spectacle backed up by cliché-laden lazy writing is a good thing in my book.