Gnollton Gnash

You know what - I like my job a lot. But on Sunday night I sure as shit don’t break into my office to send more emails.

Spike Lee the brilliant filmmaker and Spike Lee the frequently full of shit person are so dramatically different -- with Spike Lee #2's comments on Spike Lee #1's movies sometimes so bizarre, it’s like he hasn’t even seen the movies in question -- that I sometimes wonder if this is all some Andy Kaufman bullshit.

I don’t care how annoyed this comes off, but if you think 9/11 was an inside job go fuck yourself. You probably also think the moon was fake and Covid is 5G related. There is no point arguing with these idiots, no matter how well you explain the facts they will just pivot to something else. Conspiracy theorists aren’t

I want to know is Q going to turn Picard back into a real boy again? Because that’s the first thing that should happen in season 2 of his show.

Oh, the difference 5 years makes... I remember in 2016 the fans being upset at how Star Trek was basically dead and how nobody did anything to celebrate it. Sure, Star Trek Beyond came out a few months earlier but we knew even then that it was likely to be the last of that series; Discovery was still a year away from

This was actually my favorite one so far. The writing was the best, the animation was great, and I liked the story. And, again, Fury’s Big Week is canonically established. It’s a whole big deal. So maybe try learning about the MCU before getting on your high horse about it.

This episode is more of what I’ve been looking for. An alternate timeline with a grim story where everything goes wrong, and then a glimmer of hope at the end. Just like the actual What If…? comics. Loki’s bit at the end was both expected and a nice twist.

“Disappointing?” I thought it was much more clever than the previous episode, which just seemed trite.

So, who’s gonna tell Sam these movies have been taking place within the same week ever since 2012's Nick’s Big Week, the prelude to the Avengers Movie?

Hope died on a mission in Odessa.

The Hulk sequence is where the episode starts to get sweaty for me, since I can maybe buy that Iron Man 2 and Thor happen within one day of each other, but the Edward Norton Hulk movie? It all happens in the same week?

This was great! Peter Parker thinking he was cool would still be a dork! So this made sense. The Suit gave him confidence but confidence in a dork still makes him Peter Parker! ;)

I haven’t found it to be TOO bad. But this just makes me think, Tom Holland actually does a really solid American accent.

I think it will go a little something like this:
Dexter commits murder
Dexter (VO): “I’ve done it again, murdered this person”
Ghost dad: “Dexter! You just murdered that person!”
Ghost John Lithgow: “Uh oh, Dexter, looks like you’re back at it again with the murdering!”
Ghost Deb: “Well that’s just fucking great, Dex, you

That’s fine if that what it means to you.

The Mike Richards debacle almost seems manufactured to make Mayim Bialik — anti-vax, slut shaming, IDF-supporting, “brain supplement” shilling — feel more palatable as a host. And it worked!

Norm Macdonald. Keep it Canadian. Failing that - his brother, veteran journo Neil Macdonald.

Oh, don’t do that. Homophobia doesn’t literally mean scared of gay people. The phrasing is also used to refer to dislike or prejudice. This isn’t new, and you’re being disingenuous.

Everybody who talked shit about The Happening can now sit down and be quiet.