Gnollton Gnash

I really enjoyed “Undeclared” but that was because it was simply the next-best substitute to “Freaks And Geeks” since that was gone. On its own, I like Undeclared, but it’s several steps below the near-perfection of Freaks and Geeks.

So... is this going be to be Lee Pace being good in something surprisingly good, like The Fall, or Lee Pace being good in something depressingly awful, like The Hobbit movies?

Disgusting. Who would watch James Corden?

is this series about having someone who really likes a bad movie argue to try to get into it, or is it just about contrarily saying bad movies are good movies and pretending they are? Because Reloaded is bad, there are bad movies in the world, there isn’t just another context or perspective that turns everything into

The Wachowskis outright ask audiences to question everything they’re being told on screen. They want us to disengage with Reloaded as a narrative and look at it from an outside perspective—to unplug and see the code, to detect the manipulation in their filmmaking and apply it to their understanding of Neo’s journey.

Eh, it’s streets ahead of Revolutions (recently rewatched, and egad is that boring trash), but no amount of masturbatory filmic doubletalk is going to convince me that Reloaded is anything but an okay sequel with some good fight scenes (the highway scene is thrilling), a lot of CGI that has not held up, and an

It’s not really about “permanent social and economic living death for anyone”, it’s about assholes. Do you want to hang out with assholes? Do you want to work with assholes? Assholery is contagious, it rubs off on you. And if you are an asshole who’s getting shunned, there’s a simple fix: stop being an asshole.

My computer disagrees.

They use the same threat assessment scale for news organizations as the TSA does for “random” screenings:

But it’s China that is the authoritarian bad guy. We’re the good guys! 

I’m trying to imagine Scottish pizza... I’m guessing the sauce is gravy/brown sauce instead of red, and the toppings are boiled cabbage, peas, and intestines?

Yeah, I worry they’re going to go full South Park now. I’ll definitely watch it and see, of course. 

I get that, but in doing that, and in particular with their choice of casting, they have made the character into an AOC stand-in as a result. Whether that was their intention or not, the allusion is clearly there, and I can’t believe they are not aware of it or it’s implications at this point.

Well, considering what they revealed about their Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stand-in last season, I’d say that’s already a given. 

Sounds interesting — I just hope they don’t take a flabby, weaksauce, “Oh-look-both-sides-are-the-same” approach in order to appeal to as broad an audience as possible.  You can satirize different perspectives without equating them.

Huh, good to know that I didn’t actually think it was mediocre, shallow, scattershot, and not very interesting. The product placement was top-notch, though.

TK sassy remark about this screenshot:

The real question is how Sigourney Weaver would have fared on Designing Women.

I agree with Mackie’s larger point that fans should stop trying to read queer subtext into every close male relationship in film. People have been doing the shipping thing for a long time now in fandom circles, and it’s really not great. When there’s this push to say “oh, Frodo and Sam are definitely gay,” it degrades

I can sorta see multiple angles on this.

On the one hand, any artist forcefully rebutting why LGBTQ folk might see themselves in a TV-depicted relationship like the one between Bucky and Sam is going to reasonably get pushback. ESPECIALLY if you’re going to forcefully rebut an underdepicted minority group. And there’s