Gnollton Gnash

Vegetarian bacon.  Bacon by definition comes from a pig; it cannot be vegetarian or vegan.  Find your own word!  Maybe imitation meat strip.

he reportedly forced the VFX team to spend months of 80 to 90-hour weeks editing out buttholes, which one described to the Daily Beast as “almost slavery.”

You mean people don’t want to make toast that requires 10 minutes (heating the skillet, melting the butter, and toasting on either side) as opposed to 2-3 in a toaster, needs a whole other loaf of bread, and means you have to wash dishes afteward? Craziness.

“Why aren’t we all frying our toast?”

It’s weird how people who frequent a site about film and tv might enjoy reading about aspects of making film and tv.

“Be curious, not judgmental.”

  • Being able to find replies.

List of features the evil vulture demons have killed here in the past few weeks:

I would also assume the user made some sort of very basic and standard change regarding their network IP

I know a lot of people are going to jump to the conclusion that the reference to the devil (including the stained glass window) is in reference to Mephisto...

i looked it up and its mobile optimization. as people are scrolling through their social media feed, the 3 second clip that plays is supposed to snag their attention and get them to watch the whole thing. i assume that splitting the underlying youtube trailer into a mobile vs desktop friendly version would mess up

An intriguing headline that, sadly, is not answered by the article below it.

He was drinking Josta!  With Guarana!

Fuck that ephebophilia bullshit. It’s only trotted out to defend assholes like Epstein who prey on teenage children.

Well, at least we can still come here for the website's other redeeming qualities such as...

It might be a little hard to find, given the number of people in entertainment who are secretly pieces of shit.

There was also a lengthy flashback where Marion was a child and raced pods for some reason, but despite being mostly filmed and edited it was cut after Spielberg decided that including too much child slavery might not go over well with the MPAA, who he was struggling to convince to give the film a PG rating.

I never took “I was a child” to mean that she was literally a child, but just that Marion was a college-age teenager (say, 18 or 19), and he was 8 or 10 years older.  So she still felt like a kid in comparison to him, the older man.

I love that Dan Radcliffe made so much money during his HP years that he never has to work again, and can pick any oddball project he wants to work on when he feels like it. That is the dream.