
Except everyone can name a foreign leader trump admires.

As a resident of the west side of Chicago, I was particularly infuriated by his using our city as an “example.” We hate his gross building. We in the “inner city”-- which, fuck you very much-- don’t think the solution to crime, let alone long-held racism and cronyism, is any of the shit he thinks will “fix” our

Not me, exactly but the two women walking toward me in a sporting good store. That was the moment when the zipper on my sport bra gave up the game completely and unzipped so fast I could not even react. Both sides of this stupid bra pop out of the sides of my summer dress like weird ass wings and oh boy, did I wish I

... have you actually listened to that interview? Gene Simmons is an unbelievable piece of shit.

Gene Simmons is basically a Jewish Trump in platform boots, though. Dude loves to dish it out but absolute cannot take it.

Thank you for explaining the television

Yeah I don’t think that last line is enough. The headline – and essentially the whole post – is pretty much stirring shit like, “smile pretty, honey.”

Delete this. I’m embarrassed for y’all.

Um, maybe she was distracted because she lost her father on Friday?

If I had access to GT, I wanted to write a rant about this very thing.

More than the apartments, I’m more annoyed by the “quirky female character who eats a lot of greasy, fatty food but maintains perfect skin and stays slim” trope. She’s not shallow like those salad eating bitches, she just LOOKS like them.

Also, since she seems to be a huge dog lover I imagine the scene went “We have to carry him!” and she swooped him up and that was that before anyone could say “I’ll help”.

I wonder sometimes about our (western) relationship to animals and the extreme anthropomorphism that we put into it. The moment is important for us, so we drag and prop them into our moment because it’s so important to us. How about them? I wish we could gauge what they want and feel. We may love them too much for

Sam Bee is not obligated to support your quixotic dream of remaking our democracy at the expense of our actual democracy.

Guys come on! It’s true.

OMG, I was not aware until this article that maroon could be a noun. When Bugs Bunny sneered ‘What a maroon’, I assumed it was a sarcastic mispronunciation of moron. Does Bugs Bunny insult his adversaries by comparing them to runaway slaves???? If so, that is fucked up.

Now playing

When I read the earlier story about Weiner’s latest grossness, I hoped for two things to come out of this mess:

Whoa bud. Thats Lesbian Shitasses to you.

Thank god I’m a librarian. The day they enforce a ban on Easy Spirit shoes and threadbare cardigans is the day I turn in my retirement papers.